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File 130068774664.jpg - (58.69KB , 704x400 , shot0004.jpg )
2550 No. 2550 [Edit]
recently came to the realization that asakura and konata are somewhat similar in appearance
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>> No. 2551 [Edit]
konata's color pallet is much brighter, they have different hair styles and I'm sure konata is a lot shorter, oh and konata has that mole thing and that lose hair thing above her.
>> No. 2552 [Edit]

She is completely flat too.
>> No. 2553 [Edit]
>mole thing
beauty mark
>loose hair thing
>> No. 2554 [Edit]
File 130069144929.jpg - (72.20KB , 692x659 , naruto.jpg )
recently came to the realization that naruto and sailor moon are somewhat similar in appearance
>> No. 2555 [Edit]
why are they called beauty marks when they're so unsightly?
>> No. 2556 [Edit]
File 130069422447.jpg - (36.35KB , 288x252 , 1252632692742.jpg )
That's not even the slightest bit funny.

I think they're cute, but only on 2D of course.

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