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File 129012785014.jpg - (115.39KB , 704x701 , point scared.jpg )
249 No. 249

What does this mean for the anime community? /a/ is acting like it's the end of the earth but what do rational people think?
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>> No. 250
just more juicy drama for people to bitch about, people will still provide raws so long as there's demand
>> No. 251
I don't exactly understand why this would affect the anime community? Aren't there plenty of other sources for raws other than Elitist Fags?
>> No. 252
/a/ is acting like without EF anime will be cast into the dark ages. I don't really follow the fansub community outside of downloading stuff so I don't know myself
>> No. 255
I'm not really too familiar with how .ts acquisition works, so if someone wants to explain in more detail, that'd be nice. From what I've gathered, this guy was grabbing .ts himself (and supposedly paying for channel subscriptions, bandwidth costs, equipment, etc.) out of his own pocket for the fansub community. I thought most transport streams were posted to Japanese p2p, or groups had contacts in Japan to secure transport streams for them.

I'm sure it's being blown out of proportion, like most things on /a/.
>> No. 257
>I'm sure it's being blown out of proportion, like most things on /a/.

This is my guess. No idea what these transport stream guys are all about, but I highly doubt that they were somehow vital to the fansubbing community.
>> No. 258
The only shows I'm really following right now are Ika Musume (FFFpeeps) and Oreimo (Mazui). Hopefully this business doesn't hurt them too much
>> No. 259
Will my supply of Sen-himesama be affected?
>> No. 260
>if you weren't lucky enough to experience 2007, here's your chance, because suddenly it's just like old times again.

So what was the deal with 2007? I wasn't really into anime as much back then so I have no idea what he's talking about
>> No. 265
All I remember is slightly slower raw/sub release compared to now.
>> No. 271
Meh, all the raws I watch are ripped from share anyways, the transport streams were all too big.

I don't care one way or the other. They're honestly not that important.

Some people who are super "QUALITY MUST BE PERFECT" might complain though.
>> No. 272
I'm not 100% here, but the rumor I heard is that the guys at EF were a bunch of elitist fags anyway, so not a big loss, don't ask how I found out, it's a secret!
>> No. 274
File 129019407018.png - (776.12KB , 1280x720 , horror.png )
>> No. 279
According to /a/, EF now wants to sell .ts to groups for 10 bucks a pop. In other news, EF is the biggest group of dipshits on earth
>> No. 283
They'll find other ways to function, some other person will cap and upload to share/winny/other program from what I've heard most epople that go about releasing copyrighted stuff in the scene and stuff do it to feel important/get a power trip over it.

On the flip side this could wind up a good thing as groups could start caring more about quality subs rather than quality video... but I doubt it.
>> No. 286
whats wrong with quality video?
I like my anime in hd, not all of us watch anime on a small computer screen you know.
>> No. 287

Quality video is good but fansubs shouldn't skimp on their sub quality in order to get it out in hd faster than the competition.
>> No. 295
Supply and demand. They made the way when it didn't exist, if one player drops out someone else will fill the spot if it can.
It always happens.
I'm not worried.
>> No. 313
Well all of my shows have been confirmed to not be affected by this so finally the worry-wart side of me can rest. Back to worrying about the future of the internet!
>> No. 315
Just went to download Kuragehime and noticed there were no subs for it still (excluding Funimation's). Is this the only show that's been affected?

Nordkohl's also apparently dropping Psychic Detective Yakumo due to this and group-related drama.
>> No. 316
Umee releases under the title "Princess Jellyfish" so search under that instead. They've already released the most recent episode 5.
>> No. 317
Oh yeah, forgot about that. I didn't really like Umee's subs for it, so I've been sticking with AFFTW, which release it as "Kuragehime".
>> No. 350
EF provides like 60% of all streams didn't they? Still they are evil shits
>> No. 352
I'm not sure how "important" they were but all I know is all of my shows have been released right on time even after their little fit so fuck 'em.
>> No. 354

Yeah, it's funny because nobody gives a shit and they acted like it's the end of fansubbing. Oh well.


FFFpeeps release Yakumo - they aren't flawless but they defnitely are watchable.

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