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File 129988007058.jpg - (135.46KB , 1280x720 , eden-of-the-east-1-17.jpg )
2440 No. 2440 [Edit]
Lets discuss Noitamina. I was unaware of it as a niche of the anime world until yesterday, when I was reading about Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. While reading the like of Noitamina shows I recognized the a lot of my most recent favorites (Shiki, Moyashimon, House of Five Leaves, Eden of the East) and a number of other series on my To-Do list. The current show about traps and reverse traps looks like it could be amusing as well. Are there any Noitamina fans/detractors here?
>> No. 2441 [Edit]
I usually always watch Noitamina shows, because they're usually of pretty good quality.
>> No. 2442 [Edit]
I find the hit to miss ratio about half and half. Trying to make anime more "mature" doesn't always make it good. I find Noitamina shows are usually either really good or really mediocre. It all depends on if the show actually has any substance beyond trying to be mature.
>> No. 2443 [Edit]
This. While I pretty much always do give Noitamina shows a try, they're not always an accurate assessment marker on a show's quality.
>> No. 2445 [Edit]
>I find the hit to miss ratio about half and half.
I agree.
>> No. 2454 [Edit]
Anything involved with Nodame Cantabile is alright in my book. Both of my passions in one show? Amazing!
>> No. 2462 [Edit]
What's going on in this pic?
>> No. 2463 [Edit]
The man with his pants down was parading around naked and causing trouble previously, and the policewoman is on the search for him.

He is insisting that the policewoman compare his penis with that of the man in the photograph. Because it was cold outside, his shrunken penis from the photograph does not match his current, un-shrunken penis, so he gets to go free.
>> No. 2467 [Edit]
...Now that I think about it, Eden of the East didn't really make any sense at all.

Noitamina had Mononoke, didn't it? I don't know, man, that series just held a special place in my heart.

And regardless of the absurdity, Eden of the East was pretty cool as well.

Tried to get into Shiki, but found it to be pretty bland. It just seemed to be Higurashi with more of a 'western' feel.

And I really enjoyed the Hourou Mosuke manga, but never really bothered with the anime.

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