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2404 No. 2404 [Edit]
I hate to start a new thread to ask a silly question like this but maybe ultimately there will be someone else who will profit from it, so...

Which groups relase HQ stuff? Nowadays it's all about BD rips but I'm also curious about now-defunct groups that released DVD rips in the past. Of course I'm talking about subbed releases (finding good RAWs isn't that much of a problem). I know about few such as THORA (whom I dislike, I prefer to have my OP/ED in place and multi-segment linking sucks), Elysium or Exiled Destiny to mention an older one but apart from these I really don't know many others (well, there's OZC, Doki sometimes does this...). Help me out Brohnos!
>> No. 2407 [Edit]
For BD releases I usually grab releases from THORA, Coalgirls and Doki. They're all usually great quality, although Doki's choice of subs can occasionally be questionable.

I've got a few DVD releases from Exiled-Destiny and a couple from OZC, which were both ok. Exiled-Destiny can't do typesetting when it comes to background text. One scene I remember was in Hidamari Sketch. Someone was talking while it was focused on a magazine. The subs for the magazine and the speech were both the same size and style, stacked on top of each other at the bottom of the screen with no indication of which was which. Other than that though, Exiled-Destiny are fine.

Also, what is the problem with the seperate OP/ED with THORA releases? MPC-HC always adds them in automatically for me with no problems.
>> No. 2408 [Edit]

>Also, what is the problem with the seperate OP/ED with THORA releases? MPC-HC always adds them in automatically for me with no problems.

I remember I had some problems with it. Can't really recall what it was exactly and there were just like ~2 instances where THORA released HQ rips of show I'd actually like to rewatch so itdidn't bother me that much.
>> No. 2464 [Edit]
Elysium is a pretty new BD group that releases solid encodes of series' that coalgirls and such haven't touched yet or did a bad job at.
>> No. 4361 [Edit]
How about we use this thread to track all the HQ/HD releases? I find it somewhat difficult to do so on one's own, as there are tenths of groups to follow, some of which never really do HD stuff and then suddenly, for no apparent reason (other than liking the show) decide to make an exception. Just post here whenever you find out that someone is releasing some HD stuff. Asking if someone is doing HD stuff is fine, too.

Let's begin with some dated stuff to get it started:

- Doki released whole Seto no Hanayome series (including OVAs) in 720p
- Heibi (Central Anime) released 4th season of LoGH DVD rips (i.e. remasters are done up to ep 94)
- Elysium released K-On S2 and Tatami Galaxy in 1080p and plan to do Lucky Star in 720p
- UTW are doing Gosick BDs
- WhyNot are slow faggots as usual but they released Vol 3 of Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru

As for questions... Any news on C/Denpa Onna/Kaiji BDs?
>> No. 4373 [Edit]
Yeah, Elysium did a great job with Tatami Galaxy
>> No. 4593 [Edit]
Not a new release but all things Patlabor are currently on freeleech on BakaBT. This includes both movies (~8GB each), original OVAs (~10GB) and the TV series (~55GB). Since they are quite bricky (55GB is quite a lot I reckon) you might want to use this opportunity to download them without worrying about your ratio.
>> No. 5016 [Edit]
You can download from BakaBT at full speed with no issues without even signing up just by searching for 'series site:bakabt.com' in google.

As for BD groups, my favorite would have to be AtsA. They are pretty much the only group that encodes 1080p without lossless audio, so their releases are often much smaller in size than other groups while looking the same. I never understood how you needed lossless audio to listen to people talking, anyway.

Coalgirls can be good or bad, depending on who is actually doing the encodes. There are 4 active members of their group, 3 of which do decent encodes; Coalgirl, Cyras and ChrisK. The one who does the ridiculous sizes that Coalgirls have been known for is Tenshi, who loves CRF13 encoding and thus makes 2.7gb episodes of Gosick for no fucking reason. You can tell who done what show by looking at who made the release posts on their blog.

THORA do good encodes, but they fucking love DVD subs even when much better fansubs are available. For example, they chose the DVD subs over SS-Eclipse for Clannad. Also, they can't style subs for shit. http://underwater.nyaatorrents.org/?view=why-do-so-many-groups-fail-at-styling

Elysium generally use preencoded Share raws for most of their BDs, which can be hit or miss. Their sub choice is usually really good though, and their own encodes are great.

Doki do good BDs provided they're editing off someone else's subs. The only problem is they refuse to use ordered chapters for some unknown reason, so they can be quite a lot larger than the equivalent Coalgirls version.

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