No. 5016
You can download from BakaBT at full speed with no issues without even signing up just by searching for 'series site:bakabt.com' in google.
As for BD groups, my favorite would have to be AtsA. They are pretty much the only group that encodes 1080p without lossless audio, so their releases are often much smaller in size than other groups while looking the same. I never understood how you needed lossless audio to listen to people talking, anyway.
Coalgirls can be good or bad, depending on who is actually doing the encodes. There are 4 active members of their group, 3 of which do decent encodes; Coalgirl, Cyras and ChrisK. The one who does the ridiculous sizes that Coalgirls have been known for is Tenshi, who loves CRF13 encoding and thus makes 2.7gb episodes of Gosick for no fucking reason. You can tell who done what show by looking at who made the release posts on their blog.
THORA do good encodes, but they fucking love DVD subs even when much better fansubs are available. For example, they chose the DVD subs over SS-Eclipse for Clannad. Also, they can't style subs for shit. http://underwater.nyaatorrents.org/?view=why-do-so-many-groups-fail-at-styling
Elysium generally use preencoded Share raws for most of their BDs, which can be hit or miss. Their sub choice is usually really good though, and their own encodes are great.
Doki do good BDs provided they're editing off someone else's subs. The only problem is they refuse to use ordered chapters for some unknown reason, so they can be quite a lot larger than the equivalent Coalgirls version.