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2395 No. 2395 [Edit]
HOLY SHIT. I never realized Japan even knew about Magic Tree House.

Not too sure what the age demographics are for my fellow Tohno-chan users are but if you were a child in the 90s like me, chances are, you've at least heard of the Magic Tree house series. Words can't describe my nostalgia since these were my very first English books I read back when I was 6 year old immigrant who didn't even know how to form a proper sentence in English.
>> No. 2396 [Edit]
Now THIS sounds awesome.
>> No. 2397 [Edit]
This sounds kinda familiar...
>> No. 2399 [Edit]
Holy shit

This is what I did to learn how to read back as a young lad in retard class!
>> No. 2465 [Edit]
That's exciting, I read and owned quite a few of these books when I was younger. I didn't know it had any presence in the east at all.

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