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File 129004259161.jpg - (31.37KB , 350x420 , bedhair.jpg )
233 No. 233
Does anyone else have this problem? I frequently become obsessed with characters from shows that I don't even watch. My Ika Musume folder was 30 pics deep until I actually started watching it and I have a massive Horo pic collection even though I don't have any interest in the show at all. Same goes for Miku: Never had anything Vocaloid related except for her pictures. Sometimes I'll even read about the characters on wikis so I'll understand them more. Am I just weird?
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>> No. 234
I'd have to say I'm exactly the opposite. I can't care about a character at all until I watch his or her source material.
>> No. 235
File 129004355368.jpg - (199.83KB , 600x600 , 7994061.jpg )
Maybe not to that same extent but I've had that for Uiharu even though I doubt I'll ever actually watch her show.
>> No. 237
File 129004473980.jpg - (148.49KB , 1015x1200 , kuroko comfy.jpg )
I have that for a different railgun character.
>> No. 244
No, I do, too. I have a decently sized Index/Railgun folder for someone who hasn't seen a single episode.
>> No. 246
well, i don´t know if it's weird but i wouldn´t mind and, however, i don't function that way myself.
whenever the pic of a girl catches my eye, i immediately try to find out who they are and, if looking promissing, devote myself to know them. i marathon their series/manga, be it complete or not (ovas and all); i play their VNs until finishing their route (or routes); i lurk for curiosities and more info about them and, JUST THEN, if i'm still interested, i start to search massively for quality pictures of them, to engross my collection.
>> No. 247
I do this, but usually with fapping material. I fap to a good deal of charactes I know nothing about. Actually decided to watch a few anime due to curiosity about their character.

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