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No. 2287 [Edit]
  What does /an/ think? I think it looks gorgeous and I cant wait to get it on blu-ray
>> No. 2288 [Edit]
I think I bother everyone on IRC about it 20 times a day.
>> No. 2289 [Edit]
That is to say, I can't wait.
>> No. 2290 [Edit]
A hot-blooded anime about racing? Well fuck, count me in.
>> No. 2291 [Edit]
>> No. 2296 [Edit]
Saw it when it aired in Melbourne earlier this year, was amazingly good. Worth leaving the house for.
>> No. 2298 [Edit]
Even after a year of being bombarded with youtube links, I've still managed to stay strong and refrain from watching any trailers and video clips for Redline. I'm hoping that this abstinence will yield in a maximum enjoyment factor for when I can actually watch this movie.
>> No. 2415 [Edit]
I live in a smaller part of the US ,and I almost can't take it anymore. Is there any stream site where I can watch this?
>> No. 2416 [Edit]
It is not being streamed but it is showing in pretty much every film festival. Hell, the first showing was in Australia, I am sure that they will air it pretty much anywhere.

It has been out for a while now, the ETA on DVDs can't be too long.

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