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2253 No. 2253 [Edit]
So SHAFT is adapting another manga by Kumeta Kouji (the guy behind SZS) and I decided to hype it because that's what I do. Directed by Shinbou (you wouldn't have guessed, right?) with some blockbuster seiyuu casted in lead roles:
- Saito Chiwa (Senjougahara from Bakemonogatari, Homura from Madoka, Kokoro from Kokoro Toshokan)
- Toyosaki Aki (Su from Shugo Chara, Uiharu from Railgun, Yui from K-On; also known as IRL fang-tan)
- Sakurai Takahiro (Suzaku from Code Geass, Medicine Seller from Mononoke, Kamiyama from Cromartie)
- Eri Kitamura (sorry but there's no way I could pick just three; also the sole reason why I found out about this show at all as I wanted to check out where to hear some more delicious Eri)

This is probably the closest thing to SZS S4 we'll ever get. ;_;
>> No. 2255 [Edit]
Sorry for the slightly off topic reply but do people here really care about voice actors? I have a couple people whose voices I do like but VA casting are the last thing I would pay attention to when I hear about anime staff listing.

But in any case, I'm glad Katte ni Kaizou is getting adapted since I enjoyed the manga quite a bit when I read it some years ago. Although the girls aren't as good as in SZS, I found the humour to be much better than SZS, which is rather inconsistent. I wish they'd just give it a 13 episode series than doing a couple OVAs, though.
>> No. 2256 [Edit]

>Sorry for the slightly off topic reply but do people here really care about voice actors?

Nope, I'm pretty sure they don't. I'm afraid that it's just me and like ~2 other Brohnos. Doesn't stop me from blabbering about it whenever I post, though.
>> No. 2257 [Edit]
I do.
>> No. 2258 [Edit]
I'm looking forward to it, I haven't read the manga but I loved SZS. The 3 OVAs could very well just be testing the waters for a proper series though.
>> No. 2263 [Edit]
I care about a few male and female ones. If there is one that I like voicing a lead role, I'm more likely to watch that show. Though I'm not a big enough fan to follow their Twitters/blogs or any of that.
>> No. 2402 [Edit]

>This is probably the closest thing to SZS S4 we'll ever get. ;_;

I just found out that a new OVA will be released along with the BD box sets (well, actually it's the other way around). Sometimes it's nice to be wrong.
>> No. 4503 [Edit]
Arise! Arise from the dark abyss of page 10!

As of now 2 out of 3 planned OVAs have been released. However, I've been avoiding them as I don't speak Japanese and refuse to use nutbladder's subs. Luckily, Suimasen (scanlation group known for scanlating Kumeta's manga, such as Joshiraku, SZS and, of course, Katte Ni Kaizou) decided to give fansubbing a shot. To be perfectly honest their subs have been out for ages but I missed them as they're not a fansub group so I didn't expect a release from them. They did a great job in my opinion.

As for the OVA itself (I've only seen 1st ep for the time being)... Yep, it sure is Koji Kumenta. However, without Kamiya Hiroshi's screaming it's just not the same anymore... (T▽T)

Also, Eri is not fit to be tsukkomi chara afterall. It just doesn't feel right. The positive surprise (and what ultimately made this worthwhile for me) is the fact that it's narrated by Tachiki Fumihiko, the guy who's also narrating Kaiji. It caught me completely off-guard. Great choice.

Overall I think it's decent but sadly it's no SZS.
>> No. 4510 [Edit]
Yeah, personally I found the manga to be a lot funnier, probably because I can control the pacing and timing of the jokes when I read.
>> No. 4514 [Edit]
Reusing jokes from 12 years ago? SHAFT is truly frightening.

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