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File 129852563270.jpg - (42.64KB , 384x384 , nirvash_surf.jpg )
2222 No. 2222 [Edit]
How does /an/ feel about Eureka 7?
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>> No. 2224 [Edit]
I personally enjoyed it, but I haven't seen the whole thing, just like half of it randomly spaced out in 4~8 episode chunks. I should really watch the entire thing...
>> No. 2226 [Edit]
The ending is way too sappy for my tastes but I'm really surprised with myself that I still love it so much. I remember I marathoned it in a day and a half when I first watched it (of course, I had more free time back then) and even rewatched it a week after finishing it. I think did my 2nd rewatch two years ago and am thinking of watching it again sometime this year.

A lot of people seem to think the pacing's too slow, or that the first ten episodes or so are boring, or that the children are annoying as fuck and I can certainly sympathize with their criticisms. But have you ever seen 6 year old brats in real life? They're as annoying and just as stupid as the ones in the show.

>nice quads btw.

I don't know if you're trolling but if you are, you've succeeded. If you're not, don't do this shit.
>> No. 2227 [Edit]
Oh also, you should be watching it, not reading it. I'm 90% sure you're going to find the anime just as stupid as the manga so I don't advise you watch it, but I do want to point out that Eureka 7 does have some standout episodes with really well animated scenes.
>> No. 2228 [Edit]
Op here, I really enjoyed Eureka 7, apart from the ending. The Transformation of Nirvash was epic, but when it talked I was kinda eeehhhh.
And when they were suddenly "Not coming back"
It was kind of a wtf moment.
>> No. 2240 [Edit]
File 129857162787.jpg - (68.36KB , 695x469 , thursona4.jpg )
I enjoyed it. Story was kind of, well, derpy and oddly paced at times, but I enjoyed the show regardless.

The soundtrack is probably one of the best I've heard in an anime so far.
>> No. 2243 [Edit]
I remember watching it before I generally started despicing (modern) anime. I enjoyed it back then, but do note that I saw this show before NGE. Now I only view it as a shameless NGE copy, just painted as if the world never got past the 90ies; which is ironic concidering how NGE actually was made in that era. Skate/snowboard sub-culture, borderline trippy musical themes, epilepsy inducing color schemes, humane orientation, etc. You'd think that the militaristic themes would nullifie some of it, but my impression is that it further enhanced those traits via the generated contrasts. In the end, I view the 'power of love' morality as pretty unrealistic, but what the hell - there's already giant mechs literally surfing the sky via some otherworldly green sky fish life-forms attracted by happiness, while defeating imperialistic supression by skillfully doing CATTU-BACKU DUROP-TAARNs before realizing that derpy aliens are the true enemy, and ultimately defeating those via power-level hax? Whatever, I remember loving the soundtrack, and hating Hollands bullshit. I wouldn't have watched it today, but I really digged it back then.
>> No. 2249 [Edit]
>I don't know if you're trolling but if you are, you've succeeded. If you're not, don't do this shit.

I cant appreciate a nice symmetrical post number? its a thing of beauty
>> No. 2250 [Edit]
Not trying to be rude here, we just don't like GETs.
Most of us having been from 4chan greatly dislike them because they portray a kind of /b/tard like behavior, and /b/ would often times raid and destroy boards when a large GET would come up.
I remember in my time on /a/, threads would be derailed all the time when gets take place, resulting in people spamming face shots of characters in said threads, same for whenever kog would decide to go for 5s in a poor unsuspecting threads, which was now replaced with some doubles crap.
GETs have simply left a bad taste in our mouths.
>> No. 2259 [Edit]
If 4ch tought us anything, then it is to ignore the post numbers, and the people that don't ignore them. You're not ignoring either; get your ignoring right.
>> No. 2260 [Edit]
You know, 4ch and 4chan are different things.
>> No. 2261 [Edit]
Yup, those sure are two different words.
I abbreviate it like that so I don't have to spell the whole thing, out of disgust. A 1st hit on google means it's comprehendible, I think.
>> No. 2265 [Edit]
File 129868426320.jpg - (92.25KB , 544x400 , 1298074014563.jpg )
Gee, sure is derailed thread in here
>> No. 2266 [Edit]
4ch ( ) is a textboard.
>> No. 2270 [Edit]
Hipster Gundam X with surfing.

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