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File 129832320573.jpg - (15.78KB , 132x137 , KellogToucanSam.jpg )
2200 No. 2200 [Edit]
Do you have any special rituals that you follow when watching the last episode of an anime?
My own style is not particularly special, but I do have a few rules.
I always make sure that I will be watching uninterrupted.
I always watch the entire opening and ending themes - even if I don't like them - and I watch them, not listen to them while i'm in the other room making a sandwich.
If the final ep doesn't have the regular opening theme, I stop halfway through and watch the opening from episode 11 (or whatever the penultimate episode numbers was and I do the same with the ending if the show ends and it didn't have the normal ending theme).
If the show is ecchi, then I always masturbate.

I guess these are all of my rules for last ep watching
>> No. 2201 [Edit]
When at the end of a show, I often times watch the second to last, and last episodes back to back.
They're often times presented in an almost two part form anyway, and last episodes tend to skip the OP, so it just seems to fit.
>> No. 2202 [Edit]
>I always watch the entire opening and ending themes - even if I don't like them

I do that too
>> No. 2203 [Edit]
>I always watch the entire opening and ending themes - even if I don't like them

That's the only thing I share with you.

Another thing: If I'm tired, having a headache, or something that doesn't let me concentrate, I can't watch it.
I need to be completely rested and my powers of concentration need to be maxed out for the last episode.
>> No. 2204 [Edit]
I only watch anime if I am alone and it is dark out. I also try to watch it uninterrupted, if I have to stop halfway to go to the washroom or something it bothers me.

Regarding the OP and ED, I only watch them if I've never seen it before or if I really like the song.
>> No. 2205 [Edit]
Exactly the same for me.
>> No. 2277 [Edit]
I usually just watch the whole episode, OP and such included. Sometimes I put off finishing a series just because I don't want it to end.
>> No. 2301 [Edit]

>Sometimes I put off finishing a series just because I don't want it to end.

I do that, too. You wouldn't believe the amount of games I gave up on just before the final boss battle.

And yeah, I always 'watch' the OP and ED, too. However, I rarely actually watch them (although it happens if the OP is good), I usually just minimize the window and listen to the song while doing something else.

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