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File 129784488785.jpg - (219.09KB , 1920x1080 , snapshot20110214191819.jpg )
2078 No. 2078 [Edit]
Anyone else like it? Gundam Unicorn episode 3 looks like it's gonna be pretty cool, but 2 set the bar pretty high.
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>> No. 2079 [Edit]
I keep telling myself I'll get around to it once I get done watching all the (notable) UC. Watched the first episode and didn't get most of it so I've been backtracking for a while off and on there, lots of stuff to go through to get up to UC's point though. The first episode did look pretty good though, but a lot of it was over my head but I did find the animation to be excellent.
>> No. 2081 [Edit]
I watched most of the UC stuff between episodes 1 and 2, then rewatched 1 right before 2. The almost 9 months between OVAs gave me plenty of time.

It did make a lot more sense the second time around but there were still some organizations and such that were new to me. Maybe I shouldn't have skipped ZZ.
>> No. 2086 [Edit]
ZZ helps enough, and I can only imagine it'll contribute more as Marida Cruz aka Puru 12 gets fleshed out more.

The only real necessary prereqs are 0079, Zeta and CCA.
>> No. 2088 [Edit]
I fucking love gundam unicorn.

I've never really sat down and watched one before. I had some OVAs on actual VHS as a kid though.
>> No. 2090 [Edit]
Turn A is a fucking masterpiece.
>> No. 2154 [Edit]
Victory is the best
>> No. 2163 [Edit]
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