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File 129781282966.jpg - (112.84KB , 400x579 , Image-Jinrui_cover.jpg )
2060 No. 2060 [Edit]
Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita is getting an anime.

Isn't this the first of one of Romeo's works to see an anime adaptation?
>> No. 2071 [Edit]
I think it is. Based on Zepy's comments I think I'll be avoiding the anime.

What's the deal with all the light novel adaptations these days anyways? It's weird seeing Romeo Tanaka's light novel get an anime when he wrote some extremely popular and acclaimed eroge that never got adaptations. But maybe this light novel is really popular too, I don't follow light novels.
>> No. 2077 [Edit]
TLWiki has the first chapter of volume 1 of Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita translated if anyone's interested.

IIRC, Haruhi was a major factor in the light novel adaptation boom, but there have been a number of other popular adaptations as well since then (Index, Ore no Imouto, Toradora, Zero no Tsukaima, Bakemonogatari, etc.).

I think the problem with adapting Romeo Tanaka's works comes from his atypical scenario structure. Cross Channel would be a nightmare to work with without butchering it, for example. Another one would be Saihate no Ima, based on what I've heard. The only other really popular VNs he's done are too old at this point (Kana and Kazoku Keikaku).

I'm sure the light novel is at least decent, it sounds interesting enough, but I can imagine it's going to have a poor adaptation. Oh well.
>> No. 2084 [Edit]
You're probably right about Haruhi.

Cross Channel would be hard to adapt, but not because of the structure. It's essentially linear. The problem would be that the ero is actually important. As for the other games being too old, that only explains why they aren't getting adaptations now. KazoKei was released right before anime adaptations of eroge started booming (it's also only two years older than CC).

Not that I want more anime adaptations of eroge, since they're usually awful. I just found it interesting how one of the most praised eroge scenario writers only got an anime after writing a light novel.

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