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2047 No. 2047 [Edit]
How much time do you spend a day watching anime?
>> No. 2048 [Edit]
About an hour or two. After that, I usually spend all that time playing games.
>> No. 2049 [Edit]
It depends, if I'm currently watching an entire series I can spend 18 hours in front of the PC.
But normally 3 hours a week for new episodes of current shows.
>> No. 2050 [Edit]
I actually don't watch much. Right now it's just 30 minutes a week for Zombie
>> No. 2055 [Edit]
Usually just the current stuff, but depending upon how busy I am with other stuff if I'm watching a series already aired/catching up on it can range from 0-18+ hours a day.
>> No. 2059 [Edit]
It varies a lot. Might be none if I'm feeling lazy or uninterested, might be several hours.
>> No. 2061 [Edit]
Same here, only watching an episode per week right now.
>> No. 2063 [Edit]
I never spend more than and hour or two, usually in the evenings or episodes scattered throughout the day.

I watch a lot, so I try to get in 2-3 episodes of whatever a night. Weekends I like to watch oldschool OVAs and drink.
>> No. 2064 [Edit]
I like to keep an average of 3 episodes per day, but I don't usually watch many. Maybe one if I'm feeling ambitious.
>> No. 2080 [Edit]
I usually marathon things when I watch them, so anywhere from 4 1/2 to more than 20.
>> No. 2082 [Edit]
2-3 hours a week in airing shows, plus I try to watch a couple of past series a month.
>> No. 2083 [Edit]
I try to at least get in 2 ep or more a day, so I'd say maybe 7-12 hours a week, an hour at least a day, maybe two
>> No. 2085 [Edit]
It varies greatly. Lately I'm watching about 5-6 episodes daily, although I'll probably watch ~10-12 today (plus one OVA, about ~45min). But there are days when I don't watch anything at all, too.
>> No. 2168 [Edit]
I don't watch anime at all.
>> No. 2170 [Edit]
Roughly an episode a day, on average.
>> No. 2171 [Edit]
Pathetically low. Probably at most 5~7 when I've picked up a series that isn't that long and I'm watching all the episodes, but when I'm not 1~2.

I'm usually playin videya gaems anyway.

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