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File 129758565186.jpg - (149.88KB , 850x1258 , sample_b445a30bb81c7f75ab0391da0c89c3b103cbdbd9.jpg )
1918 No. 1918 [Edit]
This has been a nice little show so far, how many of you are watching it?
What are your thoughts on it?
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>> No. 1919 [Edit]
Riko is my da-taru.
>> No. 1920 [Edit]
File 129758599130.jpg - (364.48KB , 1280x960 , b167a8ebc3b734888f870bfe51485d23fdc6bd5d.jpg )
This is a wonderful and adorable show, I really must say I love it and it sucks that it's only 50 episodes long.
Rimu has really pretty eyes, it's to bad she hides them all the time..
It's kind of funny how 40 episodes in, and the girls still haven't really encountered the bad guys, if you can even call them that, everyone just runs away from each other all the time, they don't even know they're bad guys out there, let alone they can also transform into animals, in spite of running into them in countless times.
also, Nagisa is the best!
>> No. 1921 [Edit]
I think they encounter the real badguy in episode 24-26. The animal guys and kanon are definitely good people. I doubt they could ever do something truly malicious.

The artwork is also my favorite of pretty much any shoujo. It's very colorful and the eyes are detailed well. The show is littered with original stylistic choices.

The plot is a little more interesting than most shoujo and the characters do have development. IT doesn't have action to rely on like Precure but I think it still delivers entertainment.

The VAing is also top notch.
>> No. 1922 [Edit]
Oh, you mean that guy that was dressed kind of like a jester?
>> No. 1923 [Edit]
File 129758716955.jpg - (75.22KB , 1280x720 , DOIT.jpg )
I mean seriously, who wouldn't love this show?
>> No. 1924 [Edit]
File 129758724691.jpg - (101.74KB , 1280x720 , GivememoRiko.jpg )
Yeah, that guy is a douche.
>> No. 1927 [Edit]
Well, The animal guys and kanon certainly seem nice enough, but what about Kanon's mom?
>> No. 1928 [Edit]
File 129758761334.gif - (519.86KB , 768x432 , Justsilly.gif )
This show is so cute it powers the universe.
>> No. 1929 [Edit]
File 12975877194.jpg - (82.39KB , 581x750 , 031f5395d545ef516ef481b448a7758b.jpg )
She loves her daughter very much. No one with that kind of parental love can be a bad person.
>> No. 1930 [Edit]
If she's not a bad person, why does she steal stuff?
>> No. 1931 [Edit]
File 129758782614.jpg - (113.40KB , 1280x720 , Nyaa.jpg )
>> No. 1932 [Edit]
File 129758792563.jpg - (92.91KB , 1280x720 , eee.jpg )
I don't know, but here's a cat sexually assaulting a basketball.
>> No. 1933 [Edit]
File 129758795762.jpg - (45.05KB , 700x700 , 05b928b60eb5cb2db27e5107f78e5aada8061c58.jpg )
I think Nagisa is my favorite as well.
>> No. 1934 [Edit]
File 129758799648.jpg - (129.63KB , 592x1130 , 8fedc82a090d50ee8f0099286b174765.jpg )
>> No. 1935 [Edit]
File 129758804873.jpg - (127.68KB , 1280x720 , Forgot something.jpg )
But riko's moeness is a miracle of the universe.
>> No. 1936 [Edit]
File 129758810819.jpg - (351.19KB , 559x900 , 2a1cbe8b01793103e642ad53bbd23dc1ad71ebaf.jpg )
Nagisa can be moe too!
>> No. 1937 [Edit]
File 12975881518.jpg - (144.71KB , 1280x720 , anyamaru1.jpg )
Why can't real girls dress like anyamarians?
>> No. 1939 [Edit]
File 129758825386.jpg - (366.08KB , 637x900 , d316c65576f90faa622189037b474cdc4237060e.jpg )
>> No. 1940 [Edit]
File 129758832579.jpg - (98.48KB , 1278x720 , Anyamal Tantei Kiruminzoo.jpg )
It's always something with this guy, I really feel for him.
>> No. 1941 [Edit]
File 129758838485.jpg - (173.96KB , 600x600 , 6649e2fee9fe3ca15a08ed700c8a79cf.jpg )
It's ok, he'll probably grow up and marry Rimu.
>> No. 1942 [Edit]
File 129758852870.jpg - (450.00KB , 900x1259 , e6a8c17a99787aa53db374c03ad2f26057e2133a.jpg )
>> No. 1943 [Edit]
File 129758857418.jpg - (277.11KB , 700x795 , 1404138309c3931d43342174f95fbe078eb807d0.jpg )
>> No. 1944 [Edit]
File 129758858170.png - (709.84KB , 768x1024 , 1a4800ce5ad980517ab86fefcfa38db39fbff515.png )
>> No. 1945 [Edit]
File 129758859887.jpg - (617.18KB , 900x1058 , 1f11111500c9c552b9d112874b2505967526e8aa.jpg )
>> No. 1947 [Edit]
Why can't we have more shows like this every season?
>> No. 1949 [Edit]
File 129758903898.jpg - (122.32KB , 1280x720 , loliswithguns.jpg )
If lewd anime gets banned this is all we'll have.

I don't have a problem with that.
>> No. 1950 [Edit]
Because only little girls like this kind of cute moe anime, and everyone knows the big money is with anime for middel aged otaku (lol I don't know!)
>> No. 1951 [Edit]
'eh, something like Anyamal tantei makes a lot more money than something that airs at midnight and pays for its slot. That's why stuff like this has such higher production values.
>> No. 1952 [Edit]
File 129758940733.jpg - (659.51KB , 850x949 , sample_390cc6d35a4b7ece34aa7864f39f06d2b12b6a03.jpg )
>> No. 1956 [Edit]
I was half kidding there..
but it is interesting.
so why isn't there more of it?
I mean, this show is actually over by now, the subs are just taking some time to catch up, and it doesn't seem like there's any cute anime meant for little girls like this airing this season or the next season for that matter, so what gives?
>> No. 1957 [Edit]
At least we have Suite Precure this season.
>> No. 1958 [Edit]
There's a decent amount every season. There's just no American Fan Scene to bring it over. It's a real shame.
>> No. 1959 [Edit]
I guess I should have figured as much, I mean subs can be pretty hard to come by for what is out there like this.
Still, you'd think they'd list the shows for charts like the one over at
Even if the slows have no hope of subs, or even raws, you'd think the people making those charts would want them to be complete right?

maybe someday more of the west will warm up to moe and all it has to offer, it does seems to be going that way now, all be it slow.
>> No. 1960 [Edit]
One reason I'm learning Japanese is it's so underrepresented. Maybe someday I can sub it.
>> No. 1963 [Edit]
That really is awesome of you man, but without people to provide raws, it wont do us much good.
>> No. 1967 [Edit]
File 129762212273.png - (316.18KB , 865x840 , 02d5ca9df1b292bf452f1a3d4c1bf9770ab931b8.png )
>> No. 1968 [Edit]
File 129762218553.jpg - (403.45KB , 800x700 , 8b6e9d8a50cde455ac31817ade430f0fa3c42802.jpg )
>> No. 1969 [Edit]
File 129762219474.jpg - (246.50KB , 772x1026 , 9cda0153a597f82ea720ae2b38177742622eeb08.jpg )
>> No. 1996 [Edit]
Does anyone else think the animals they transform into fit their personality?
>> No. 1997 [Edit]
I think that was the intention.
>> No. 1999 [Edit]
It was probably obvious from the start I don't know why I just thought of it now.
>> No. 2142 [Edit]
File 129803809169.png - (464.10KB , 864x691 , 14077151.png )

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