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1915 No. 1915 [Edit]
I thought Shakugan no Shana S was a great OVA.
I like how it really explored what it's like to be a Flame Haze in the last two episodes of the OVA, and almost liked it as much as the original or if not more than the original series.
What were your thoughts on this OVA?
>> No. 1961 [Edit]
It was pretty decent. The very first was the best. It was pretty hilarious throughout. Two was very illustrative of what being a flamehaze was about and why Shana had loss her sense of humanity. It told you a lot about her actions. Three and four were a lot like the normal series.

I really do hate the pacing of the releases though. It was more than a year inbetween episodes.
>> No. 1962 [Edit]
Inbetween all of the episodes I mean.
>> No. 1972 [Edit]
I thought it was better than either of the main seasons.
>> No. 1973 [Edit]
Hopefully the third season will be the same way.
>> No. 1993 [Edit]
Third season is going to be the exact opposite of season two. Season 2 was stretched out, season 3 is gonna be compressed as hell. I hope they can pace it correctly.

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