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File 12974595657.jpg - (180.77KB , 1280x720 , [QTS] Welcome to THE SPACE SHOW (BD H264 1280x720 .jpg )
1878 No. 1878 [Edit]
Welcome to the Space Show is out, as well as subtitles in case you didn't know.

Sub: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PFWC534C

Quite refreshing to watch something with good animation for once, though of course that's a given considering this is a movie and all. The movie's surprisingly quite long and I felt that they tried too do almost too much. The movie might've benefited by toning down the scale and keeping the story more concise and focused but that's just me.

Any thoughts?

Oh also, there's one scene in this movie that Yuasa was in charge of, which should be blatantly obvious if you've ever watched any of his stuff (especially Mind Game).
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>> No. 2424 [Edit]
Bump because I watched this and it was cool.
>> No. 2493 [Edit]
This looks nice, so I'm going to watch it and report back.
>> No. 2725 [Edit]
File 130168035033.jpg - (442.87KB , 1280x720 , [Lambda-Delta]_Welcome_to_the_Space_Show_[720p][H2.jpg )
I'm glad I stumbled upon this thread, otherwise I might have missed out on this awesome movie.

After watching this I think I could be satisfied for the entire year.

I haven't felt this much ADVENTURE since I watched One Piece for the first time.
>> No. 4837 [Edit]
this is cool
>> No. 5077 [Edit]
I had no idea this even existed, thanks OP!

I love science fiction even if it's light hearted. The animation looks wonderful and colourful too.

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