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File 129724978821.jpg - (566.13KB , 850x1237 , sample_726065303405d1ddf9fb7aa024495d8d.jpg )
1817 No. 1817 [Edit]
Anyone else watching rio?
what do you guys think?
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>> No. 1819 [Edit]
I like it simply because even if it's bad there's nothing there to piss me off.
>> No. 1820 [Edit]
Teribad. The only thing worse would be Dragon Crisis or Cardfight Vanguard, and only because I didn't watch Cardfight Vanguard. You're free to watch whatever you want, but it's a fuckin' damn shame.

The only thing it has going for it is its off-the-wall silliness. The problem with that is that it's not even particularly good at being silly. Yumekui Merry and Kore wa Zombie are both pretty silly, but still manage to be good shows.

The fanservice constitutes mostly generic tit shots and the like, making it far from stimulating to anyone who has been around for a while. The characters aren't even particular attractive. If I was still into these kinds of shows, I'd probably go with Infinite Stratos instead. At least the characters are hot in Infinite Stratos. Kore wa Zombie also has decent fanservice.

tl;dr Rio was irredeemable shit at inception (anime based on slot machine games)
>> No. 1821 [Edit]

You should preface that somewhat vapid rant with the words "I think". This isn't /a/, so there's no need to push opinions as facts.

In response to OP: I don't mind Rio. It enables me to switch my mind into standby without much trouble.
>> No. 1823 [Edit]
normally I would agree with your statement about not pushing tastes onto others, but I think it really is safe to say this show is hella bad, not as a matter of opinion but as a fact, this is bad.

But in spite of how bad it is, I enjoy it, I find it nice to watch shows I don't have to think very much about, and because you know a show based off nothing but a character design is gonna be bad, there's no expectations.
I would almost call this the kind of show that's so bad it's good, well, maybe not "good" honestly it doesn't have much going for it, and although as I said I do enjoy it, I can't really think of anything good to say about it.
>> No. 1842 [Edit]
I prefer Rio over IS character design wise, but yeah, I wouldn't watch either..
>> No. 1849 [Edit]
File 129732318423.png - (1.11MB , 1280x1455 , 61b2559503c5e07ef721255aeebe74a3.png )
cleavage: the original animation
>> No. 1858 [Edit]
Rio is the best show this season. The storyline is subtle and deep. It's a step in the correct direction for animation and is revolutionary for anime. What Rio does is get rid of all the pretense and delivers the goods. It's the most genius thing since shelled peanuts. It's like getting an orange without having to peel it. It's like getting bananas without having to open them. It's like getting a new electronic device without having to tear through nuclear explosion proof plastic. It's pure bliss. Even veteran viewers will be pleased by it.
>> No. 1869 [Edit]

I think this pic sums up what you're trying to say.
>> No. 1870 [Edit]
>epic fail

>> No. 1873 [Edit]
Try again.
>> No. 1874 [Edit]
Good man, good man.

So this hasn't been too great?
>> No. 1876 [Edit]
I love you
>> No. 1881 [Edit]
It's average, there's really nothing special about it, but I wouldn't call it horrible either.
Only way I can think to describe this show is as just, something to watch, something to kill time with.
>> No. 1882 [Edit]

Bah, so much for that.

I think it's my fascination with casinos and gambling that keeps me watching this.
>> No. 1886 [Edit]
don't take it so hard, many people here just don't like seeing things that remind them of /b/ is all, stuff like de-motivational images and lines starting with "epic"
>> No. 1887 [Edit]
Bingo. If I wanted to see that kind of crap I'd go back to 4chan, or any given internet forum
>> No. 1909 [Edit]

Thanks for the pointers, there's always more to a website than the official rules. I live and learn. Just like I learned to stop browsing /b/ two years ago.

Polite sage for no Rio relevance.
>> No. 2219 [Edit]
File 129845915914.jpg - (83.31KB , 1094x616 , [Kyouki] Rio - Rainbow Gate! - 07 [1280x720][70D50.jpg )
Who didn't see this coming?

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