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1786 No. 1786 [Edit]
Gonzo is working on a new Last Exile project. It'll entail a new story and cast.
>> No. 1788 [Edit]
Range Murata designs again, I hope.
>> No. 1790 [Edit]
Interesting. I enjoyed the first series but never really got INTO it; primarily because I like my science fiction far future or raelly gritty cyberpunk, where this was kinda steampunk stuff (ie back in time but with technology not from the era).
>> No. 2162 [Edit]
Yeah, I just read about it today and I was very surprised to say the least.

First of naming it 'Last Exile' is pretty retarded. It would make sense if the setting was the same or something but it I hear they aren't gonna keep anything from the first series. So it seems like a 'spiritual succesor' kind of thing but as I already mentioned, it looks like they went with that name just to attract more people (as Last Exile is somewhat popular).

Ok, this isn't something I would usually do and I understand that it might not exactly be something fellow Brohnos would like to see on /tc/ but here goes either way: Last Exile might just be the most overrated anime I ever watched (ok, that was a lie, I've seen Haruhi afterall) and one of the worst series I've seen, period. It's pretty mind boggling because I'm a really big fan of steampunk. Novels like The Difference Engine or Perdido Street Station are among my favorite books, I download new issues of Steampunk magazine whenever they are published etc. etc. and yet, even though the setting was obviously something that appealed to me, the anime didn't appeal to me at all. I'm too lazy to actually write about everything I disliked but there's one thing that has always bothered me: why, and I mean WHY, why would you give a lead role to Shiraki Anna? I get the basic idea: Alvis was a kid so they hired a kid to voice her. Except it didn't work at all and to be perfectly honest it might've been the worst performance by any seiyuu (although I'm not sure whether counting her as a seiyuu is even fair) I have ever heard. It's not surprising that she never got any other roles (although when I tried to research it a little - it really did bother me that much - I found she is some kind of idol/singer/whatever you'd call it). There are little girls in anime left and right and someone has to voice them. Most seiyuu do this job just fine so why didn't they hire any of them?

Speaking of seiyuu, I just remebered Eri Kitammura voiced Lavie. She is one of my favorite seiyuu and whenever she voices one of the main characters I pick up the show on spot (although more often then not the sows themselves are disappointing) - for example when I found out she's voicing Nao from OniiKoto I immeadiately began looking for some torrents. And yet I still disliked the show.

I hope I didn't offend any people who actually enjoyed it - that's just my silly opinion and you're free to ignore it.

Last (but not least):

>> No. 2177 [Edit]
I'm pretty excited for this. If there was one series that was the catalyst for me enjoying anime as I do now, that would be Last Exile.

According to Wikipedia, the new series just sounds like a moe version of Last Exile. I feel like that can go either way. Then again, it is Wikipedia.

They should just do a prequel dedicated to Alex Row and the Silvana instead.
>> No. 2181 [Edit]
I wasn't a big fan of the original but I'll happily take any anime original. God knows the number of decent anime originals are rare these days.
>> No. 2254 [Edit]

>Speaking of seiyuu, I just remebered Eri Kitammura voiced Lavie

I went full retard right there. Of course I meant Tatiana. That's why you should always check stuff like that before posting.

Also, on a totally unrelated topic I finally managed to remember which other show had a kid voicing ... a kid. In Seirei no Moribiro Chagum was voiced by Adachi Naoto (who was 14 at that time). It was his first and - unsurprisingly - last role. He didn't make my ears bleed (unlike Shiraki Anna as Al) but he definitely wasn't good.

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