No. 179
I was wondering if I'm the only person who felt that way. The premise was interesting and the show could've been so much better but all in all it felt like Maeda just threw in all the ideas he had and left it like that, without even trying to connect them. Midway through the series I thought it will turn to a 'one character per episode' format and I was happy about that but then I realized it's supposed to be 13 eps long so there's no way it's gonna look like that. The only consistent thing about the whole show was it's inconsistency. Fuck, it even featured an Eva-esque 'CONGRATULATIONS, GOOD END' screen (and for no apparent reason, too). It ruined the mood so much that I didn't even care about the last scene (which was a good tearjerker but as I said, at that point I didn't care anymore). All in all, I think I can actually say it was bad. The idea was good but the horrible exectuion made the shole anime look silly at best. I think I wouldn't watch another season.