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File 129624858212.jpg - (1.80MB , 1920x1200 , 1268627593936.jpg )
1595 No. 1595 [Edit]
Has anyone here watched Dennou Coil and liked it?

It looks sorta good, has a good premise, so I might give it a watch.
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>> No. 1596 [Edit]
Why the hell haven't you watched it yet? It's one of the best anime of the last decade.
>> No. 1597 [Edit]
It's good, but could've been great. Story was not long enough to cover all 22 episodes and it show.
That girl who died in a mysterious car crash who we've been researching forever? Yeah, our bad. Now that we've wasted enough time on that let's finish the main plot now!
>> No. 1599 [Edit]
First of all, it was 26 episodes long. Secondly, the main plot is about uncovering the truth behind the other side and illegals so researching about Kanna is the starting point of that. So it's still a relevant subplot that not only furthers the main plot, but also develops Haraken's character. Lastly, they don't even spend all that much time on Kanna. I mean, it's only a couple episodes in the last half that deal with her. Even then, there're still other things going on such as Amasawa's past, motives of the Nekome brothers, and increasing amounts of illegal invasion. I thought the pacing was fine.
>> No. 1601 [Edit]
I thought it would disappoint me like a lot of other hyped shows, but it turned out to be genuinely good. Still somewhat overrated in my opinion, but easily worth watching.
>> No. 1639 [Edit]
One of my favorite anime. It's really good, so watch it.
>> No. 1645 [Edit]
dropped it after the first ep.
I guess I don't seem to understand…
>> No. 1691 [Edit]
The manga was better.
>> No. 1692 [Edit]
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>> No. 1694 [Edit]
I watched the first episode, but then never continued.

I even Liked the first episode. I don't know why I didn't continue.
>> No. 1695 [Edit]
I think a lot of us have done that.

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