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File 129595410762.jpg - (79.83KB , 1280x720 , CrunchySubs_Panty_Stocking_with_Garterbelt_-_08_72.jpg )
1532 No. 1532 [Edit]
I'm having a hard time deciding if Panty & Stocking was good or not. You could tell Gainax were having fun making it, which usually makes a series better. On the other hand you could say that Gainax were screwing around instead of trying to make a better product.

What do you think, brohnos?
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>> No. 1533 [Edit]
I'd also have fun pushing out turds if people ate it up and payed me for it.

Yes I would say the show sucked, it was an easy way for them to cash in on retards that would buy anything they sold.
Just watch cartoons if that's the kind of stuff you're into, there's no need to drag anime into the crap hole that is American animation.
Stuff like this should not be encouraged, it sends them the message it's okay to be lazy and put out crap like this.
I blame the, dare I say, Normalfags who only like this because they don't really like anime, The people with no power level that still watch tons of american crap, who like this because it's like american crap, call it nostalgia or whatever you want, but I can't help but feel the people that liked that Panty & Stocking are people who don't appreciate real anime, people who are just posers of anime enthusiasts, because this is barely an anime, this is like the equivalent avatar to cartoons, but far more insulting, at least avatar didn't try to sell it self primarily on the style, if you can even call what this show had style.
What the hell is the point of watching anime over cartoons anyway if the anime is just a clone of cartoons?
Like I said before, if you want to watch cartoons so damn badly, just watch cartoons and leave the world of anime already.
>> No. 1534 [Edit]
>I'd also have fun pushing out turds if people ate it up and payed me for it.
couldn't have said it better myself
>> No. 1535 [Edit]
File 129596039998.gif - (2.43MB , 424x240 , 1289018504062.gif )
I really loved Panty & Stocking. It'd definitely be tied with Tatami Galaxy for my favourite anime of 2010, while Milky Holmes would be a distant third.

But I'm really sick and tired of talking with people like >>1533 over an argument that essentially boils down to a difference in tastes.

So if you're trying to decide for yourself whether P&S (or any other show for that matter) is good or not, just ask yourself whether you personally enjoyed watching it because that's all that really matters.
>> No. 1536 [Edit]
I feel the show was nothing more than an experiment on their part in "look at how fucking stupid this show is, but you're going to watch and love it anyways, retards".

But it's all subjective so, I'll just say I never watched it so I can't form a real opinion. I'm judging it by its cover (premise) here.
>> No. 1539 [Edit]
You know, a lot of anime sound either really fucking stupid or very boring when you just read the premises.

Of course, I'm not denying that P&S is a "dumb" show because in many aspects, it is. But that's just the nature of the show's genre. Over-the-top action shows and dumbness go hand in hand.
>> No. 1546 [Edit]
It started out with toilet humour from the start, and from what I've seen it just gets worse instead of better.
So yeah, it's shit (no pun intended).
>> No. 1558 [Edit]
Ultimately it comes down to your own personal tastes, but heres what I myself thought.

Personally I found it to be bordering on the mediocre-below average line.

While some praise it for being different it is and it isn't, in Anime it is being different and doing new things, but looking at entertainment as a whole they just imported an art style and dirty jokes.

The plot was confusing, they start off with a "2 in 1" episode scheme but seem to lose track of it midway throughout the series. Which throws me off, it was more episodic to start with but starts to develop an actual plot later on into the show. I prefer it to develop a plot or remain episodic, otherwise the episodic episodes are basically filler.

Panty and Stocking is ultimately a comedy anime but sadly almost all the jokes are dirty jokes, most of which I don't find funny, then again I never have found dirty jokes funny. Possibly because of my social failure to be anywhere remotely successful with the opposite sex.

They were shameless in copying american cartoons' style, sometimes it worked out well sometimes it didn't. I think some things, like Scanty and Kneesocks had great charater designs (viusally) due to the contrasting colors of the skin:hair, but other times they were just copying stuff like with the dog-thing "chuck" of which anyone who saw Invader Zim ever could tell they just copy and pasted him in there. Theres also some parodies of american/western film and pop culture, I caught a few, though on aWo podcast they said they reportedly parodied lady gaga once and apparently it was filled to the brim with parodies. Although I only noticed two or three that I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm not in-tune with american pop culture. If you were more familiar with american pop culture I think the enjoyment would be greater, provided you don't hate it completely.

In the end it depends upon what you like, but in my opinion it's just so-so.
>> No. 1560 [Edit]
Man, am I the only person here who didn't find the show funny but still fun due to everything else? Hell, if I had to judge P&S solely as a comedy show, I'd think I'd call it a below-mediocre show too.
>> No. 1562 [Edit]

I found it fun to watch too, but I think thats mainly because of the difference in what you're used to seeing in anime, and the threads about it/rage from some people over the art style all over when it was announced.
>> No. 1567 [Edit]
God help us if artists want to expand their horizons.

Why do people need to compartmentalize everything? Gainax has said countless times they're animation fans before animators, and everything they do is in some way a tribute to things they enjoy, be them Japanese or American. I'm an animator, and I love Western animation just as much as I love Eastern; I have to if I want to actually push the envelope in the future. My History of Animation teacher is 80 years old, having animated for Fleischer studios when it was still around, and even he still loves Whisper of the Heart (and watches it in Japanese). Honestly, I didn't like Panty & Stocking, but I appreciate they were trying to break out of what people think when they hear "anime". Just because Gainax wasn't as successful as they could be doesn't mean their show is the defining example of why Western and Eastern should never meet.
>> No. 1568 [Edit]
I only watch real anime for serious anime fans such as myself.

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