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File 129589389062.jpg - (40.50KB , 640x480 , monster.jpg )
1513 No. 1513 [Edit]
Nothing fresh, because I have a still many shows on my list, that I have to watch.

So, I started Monster. It's interesting, but one thing is there that bothers me little as a German.

Does the show represent how people see the Germans? Greedy and only focused on their own goals. The only nice guy seems to be the Japanese guy.

Is that so?

Also, I'm here on tohno so I guess it's unnecessary to say, but please use the spoiler tag if you have to. I've finished episode three so far.
>> No. 1515 [Edit]
>Does the show represent how people see the Germans?

No, most certainly not so don't be so sensitive about it. You'll see plenty of "good" Germans as the show progresses.

I'd honestly rather recommend reading the original manga, as it's faster to get through and you won't be bothered as much by the pacing.
>> No. 1518 [Edit]
Second. You should read the manga first since the anime has some pacing troubles. Then go watch the anime to enjoy the scenes in animation.

I love this series. Must say that when Roberto returns is one of my favorite brick shitting moment of any medium ever.
>> No. 1522 [Edit]
The Japanese love to put subtle racism or just stereotypes in anime.
>> No. 1528 [Edit]
They only use stereotypes not as a way to be subtly racist but because a lot of those shows are poorly written or because they purposely want to exploit certain comedic aspects of a stereotype.

But in any case, Monster is not one of those shows from what I can remember.

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