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File 129586318037.jpg - (57.37KB , 854x480 , shot0002.jpg )
1512 No. 1512 [Edit]
New episode of the KnJ OVA just came out.
Its fresh, its hot, go get it.
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>> No. 1516 [Edit]
>> No. 1523 [Edit]

Fine by me, man.
>> No. 1524 [Edit]
Then what are you doing here, normal?
>> No. 1525 [Edit]
Is that a tampon insertion into a loli?

Now I've seen everything.
>> No. 1526 [Edit]
If she's old enough to need tampons then she's of breeding age
>> No. 1527 [Edit]
Putting aside this one scene, I really enjoyed this OVA.

Delicious Houin.
>> No. 1537 [Edit]
This scene was kind of unexpected. I mean, it's not lewd in itself but it's intended to be in the context they're using it here. In the past this show was a little more subtle than this, but I suppose this is the OVA though. I always forget the show was written by a pedo woman and she's done a lot of weird stuff in the past.
>> No. 1540 [Edit]
Was this cross-section scene also used in the manga? Because I don't recall the manga ever doing such scenes.
>> No. 1564 [Edit]
File 129605867869.jpg - (75.80KB , 500x721 , kodomo-no-jikan-tampon-insertion-diagram.jpg )
>> No. 1587 [Edit]
That scene taught me more than I ever wanted to know about tampons.
>> No. 1650 [Edit]
So like, you can use one of these and not tear your hymen?

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