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File 136547857241.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , touma and his Mermaid.png )
14827 No. 14827 [Edit]
This image accurately represents the contents of this anime.

Post edited on 9th Apr 2013, 1:02am
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>> No. 14828 [Edit]
do you have anything at all to say about it? did you even watch it?
>> No. 14833 [Edit]
The mermaids in this show remind me of ganguro for some reason, I wonder why...
>> No. 14845 [Edit]
That part with the jellyfish was much too lewd for me.

This whole show is too lewd for me, I probably won't be able to watch it.
>> No. 14847 [Edit]
Didn't seem any worse than Kuroko in railgun when she gets electrocuted.
>> No. 14923 [Edit]
File 136574812969.jpg - (43.34KB , 1280x720 , [Vivid] Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san - 01 [04AAE0FA].jpg )
deliciously lewd, the way her navel moves as she rubs herself.
>> No. 14925 [Edit]
File 136578093975.jpg - (137.62KB , 1280x720 , Ganguro mermaid.jpg )

That's only because you've never seen real ganguro mermaids before.
>> No. 14927 [Edit]
Actually I have seen the show that's from, might have just been reminded of it.
>> No. 14931 [Edit]

Heh, I was actually wondering if that might be the case.
>> No. 15753 [Edit]
File 136918133098.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , shot0398.png )
Is there a reason why they were jerking off the cucumbers?

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