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File 128960734480.jpg - (50.63KB , 525x382 , padpadpadpad.jpg )
147 No. 147
IndexII is finally interesting.

I almost fell asleep during the battle-nun arch.
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>> No. 148
File 128960737566.jpg - (45.23KB , 486x711 , Why.jpg )
>> No. 149
battle-nuns kind of sucked.
kind of silly and made me lose interest in the show.
>> No. 152
I'm going to start watching Railgun, but I dunno about Index. Apparently it doesn't have Kuroko
>> No. 155
Kuroko is like the main character with the most screen time in the latest episode of index, but I don't think she was in season one of index at all.
>> No. 156
The first part of index II was boring, I agree I need to catch up on it, only watched the first 2 episodes.


She had a few scenes I believe.
>> No. 157
Does index differ from railgun a lot? I haven't seen any of index and only a little of railgun, but from what I read railgun is a little more "laid back"
>> No. 158
Index tries to be a little bit more plot heavy.
Where as railgun tries to be more on the slice of life side, but not really.

Thats how I see it at least.
>> No. 159
I skipped the entire loli-battle-nun arc. Now Index is getting interesting again.

I didn't like the Magic side story that much.
>> No. 160
File 128963171469.jpg - (62.43KB , 608x429 , 9e3ea614c983914f5d732e21911c7ffe1227163759_full.jpg )
>almost fell asleep during the battle-nun
same here. i rather just downloaded tons of quote demotivators.

>didn't like the Magic side story that much
me neither. but i felt unease by just skiping so much of a plot. so i just went reading wiki sinopsis until ep.10, and then restarted watching. got better.
>> No. 164
I watched ep 6 only because Kuroko was in it. For people who've read the novels, I read in a summary that she gets beat up pretty bad and needs a wheelchair, but it's not permanent is it? Dunno if I could handle poor Kuroko being handicapped forever ;_;. Really I just hate seeing girls getting hurt period
>> No. 170
Thanks. I'm so depressed I want to kill myself now.

Why must I read all spoilers no exception?
>> No. 172
I'm kind of afraid She'll die eventually. I have no reason to think that other than you can't have two people love Misaka, and killing off Kuroko would be an easy way to add drama while getting rid of the love triangle. I REALLY hope I'm wrong though (and I probably am because I ALWAYS am)

That spoiler isn't really a "spoiler" (it's just conjecture) but I felt the need to spoiler it anyway for some reason
>> No. 178
the "magic side" of index is shitty and boring
the show would be better if they werent in it completely
>> No. 200
Yeah, she gets really hurt, but the way it happens is pretty awesome. It really changed how I see her. Also, as of book 9 she seems to be recovering fine.

I really need to finish reading it.
>> No. 239
Kuroko was in Index, but she didn't appear as much as she did in Railgun.

Railgun anime differs from Railgun manga from quite a bit. Railgun manga has much more emphasis on Biribiri and the dark side of Academy City.
>> No. 273
She apparently gets far less hurt in the anime than the novel, judging from pics I've seen of the latest episode
>> No. 275
Yeah, I just finished the episode. It doesn't seem as bad as how it was in the book.

And they also cut out Touma telling Kuroko he will "Protect Misaka and the world around her. Or, rather, that's what he said to the Aztec guy and he repeats it to her. But still, the fuck?

Great punch scene though.
>> No. 277
File 129022514577.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , ruined.png )
I really don't like Kuroko's boobs
>> No. 278
Those are the pads from the previous episode. She bought them because her onee-san was looking a them.
>> No. 280
File 129023549066.jpg - (31.51KB , 325x344 , boobs.jpg )
I just watched ep 5 of railgun and her boobs were around that level then too. I guess the artists just draw them based on however they feel that day
>> No. 281
File 129023572172.jpg - (29.77KB , 485x720 , 1265640065245.jpg )
See also: the ever fluctuating size of Saten's breasts.

No, I don't have a comparison pic. ;_;
>> No. 282
She pads.
>> No. 392
File 129096287874.jpg - (171.83KB , 1280x720 , pussy.jpg )
>> No. 648
File 129186866142.gif - (2.18MB , 427x240 , toss and turn.gif )
Which episode/series does this gif come from?
>> No. 649
Railgun. I forget which episode. Somewhere near the middle or end, I think.
>> No. 650
Ah thank you very much. I'm only on ep 13 of Railgun so far and that looks like a pretty....interesting....scene

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