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File 129538620921.jpg - (74.88KB , 512x384 , shot007.jpg )
1459 No. 1459
konichiwa /an/
where do you go to hunt for hard-to-find anime when all of the conventional sources (nyaatorrents, the collection of DDL sites, etc) failed you? i'm currently hunting for
oishinbo, which - so far as i know - has at least the first to episodes fansubbed, but its a show from 1988 and the fansub was 2004. the fansubber's site no longer lists the anime and the torrent doesn't seem to be hosted at the original site anymore. anyway, rather than just begging for help, i'm more interested in gaining advanced hunting skills. there are a good number of other shows that i know exist with subs, but have never found.
i did find one oishinbo torrent which lives (getting 0.7gigs of it right now at about 30k/s), if anyone is interested...
>> No. 1466

BakaBT has a good selection of old anime torrents.

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