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File 129515708934.jpg - (43.92KB , 720x600 , kiiikaroutemother1-2.jpg )
1427 No. 1427 [Edit]
Let's discuss Gurren-Lagann. Did any of you see the movies?
My net-friend and I were arguing about the part after Kamina dies. When they stay on Dai-Gurren does Yoko take a shower naked in both the movie and TV show?
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>> No. 1428 [Edit]
File 129515862449.png - (600.74KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2010-12-17-04h14m47s166.png )
Haven't seen the film. I don't recall a scene like that in the series.

My question is why does Leeron never age?
>> No. 1430 [Edit]
Yes, that scene is both in the tv series and the movie. Mind you, it's not "nude nude."

I really do wish Imaishi or the other staff would answer that question. It's rather mind boggling.
>> No. 1433 [Edit]
You really should see the movie if you did enjoy the TV series. If you don't feel like watching boring recap from TV, just watch from the 1:30:00 mark for both movies 1 and 2.
>> No. 1436 [Edit]
Gay powers
>> No. 1437 [Edit]
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>> No. 1449 [Edit]
I didn't like Gurren-Lagann as much as some because Kamina in general got on my nerves,maybe it was just the way his seiyuu sounded ,or it could have been the strong self-indentificaton I had with Simon.As for Yoko all I can say is bitch. When some guy beats the guy who ruled the planet like a dictator and then beats the badasses even he couldnt beat and you never have interest in him. Not to mention she's practically a whore. A guy kisses you once and you dream of marrying him? I think she might be my most hated anime character ever.
>> No. 1450 [Edit]
Really? I personally loved Kamina's voice. I thought it fit his character perfectly.

>When some guy beats the guy who ruled the planet like a dictator and then beats the badasses even he couldnt beat

There's really no correlation between beating up bad guys and a person falling in love. And it's not like she hated or looked down on Simon or anything. In fact, she respected him, as the other members of the Gurren-dan did.

>A guy kisses you once and you dream of marrying him?
So? Are people not allowed to think about anything a little rash or crazy? Plus, it was Kamina in the end who showed up in her dreams.

I'm not really a Yoko-fan or anything and I certainly don't care if you hate her, but I just think the reasons you're giving is a little flimsy. I'm not going to deny that she isn't whorish though, since I think her outfit alone does prove that fact. But even then, you really shouldn't take that seriously since the intention behind that is just the producers adding fanservice; it's not some meticulously planned effort on her characterization by the staff.
>> No. 1451 [Edit]
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It's my favorite anime show ever, I regularly rewatch it. I usually marathon it and the movies once a month.

It's hard to explain why I love the show so much. For starters, I think the art and music are perfect. I love every single character, Kamina the most. Maybe the biggest reason why I love it is because it helped me get out of depression. I believe there's a life philosophy in TTGL, but maybe I'm just imagining it.

Anyway, I love it. I like the movies less because of the out of place fan service and the change of background music in some scenes. But there's some new brilliant content and I like the rerecorded versions of the TTGL songs, as well as the new ones, the movie ending songs.
>> No. 1452 [Edit]
Wow, once a month? I've only rewatched it maybe 4 times in its entirety. Next time I rewatch the show, I really oughta browse the sakuga wiki so I can actually see who animated which flashy scenes.
>> No. 1460 [Edit]
I thought it was a good show. Granted I'm not really that much of a mecha fan, but I still think it had its moments. The characters were interesting and I liked the story.
The only part that I probably disliked the most was the ending (maybe its the case with all mecha shows?)
Now this thread makes me want to rewatch the whole series again
Thanks Tohno
>> No. 1461 [Edit]
I certainly enjoyed it, but I found the main cast to be somewhat weak. If anything the side characters were much more interesting.

I really would have liked to learn more about Makken, the unsung hero of TTGL.
>> No. 1483 [Edit]
  For those who haven't seen it.

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