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File 129504699922.jpg - (119.34KB , 614x873 , fractale.jpg )
1407 No. 1407 [Edit]
So how'd you guys like it? Thoughts? Feelings?

Personally, I liked it and will continue to watch it.
>> No. 1408 [Edit]
Really I don't know what to think right now, but I cant wait until they start to elaborate on the things that went down in the first episode.
>> No. 1616 [Edit]
Can anyone tell me how this show has progressed? I started episode 1 when it aired, but never got to finish it. I haven't yet nor have I seen any other episode. Is it worth continuing?
>> No. 1618 [Edit]
I haven't watched the most recent episode yet, but so far the plot is interesting, the art is lovely, Nessa is adorable, and Enri and her gang of steampunk jet-powered dirigible flying goons are hilarious. One of my favorite shows so far.
>> No. 1622 [Edit]
At first, it was boring, wasn't too interested, but by the third episode, shit just got real. I'm going to keep watching it to see how it turns out and it left me on a cliffhanger.
>> No. 2716 [Edit]
Spoilers ahead. If you haven't watched the last episode, that is.
They're trying too hard to make it look deep. After the last episode, it feels like I'm watching an anime about the 'current state' of anything 2d-related (whether it'd be vidya games, anime, manga, VNs, light novels, etc.)

This is my basic interpretation.

Clain = I imagine that everyone who is 'normal' is Clain. So I'd think that Yamakan wants people to be in Clain's shoes.

Phrynes/Nessa = 2D girls; Nessa represents something else entirely, is it creativity? If one can interpret it, a specific 'Phryne' can be someone's idealized 'waifu'. The 'key' to restarting Fractale is Nessa, so she embodies the very essence of all 2D in its pure form. The Priestess herself is probably the current state of the 2D stuff.

Fractale = one's perception of the 2D universe If the 'fractale system' is breaking down, does the message of this anime mean that the 2D universe in this world is fucked up?

Priest = 'creepy otaku'? This is the vibe that I've been getting from the priest. The priest stated that he made love to Phryne or something as he licks her and then he gets stabbed by Phryne.

Lost Millenium gives off the impression that it wants to destroy Fractale (the 2D world) but its goal is to coexist with 2D universe without being too entrenched into it. Fuck, I'm getting confused over this show.

Moral of the story is to keep everything in moderation. That's why both Fractale exists and is kept in moderation. So basically, Yamakan is telling anyone who enjoys at least some part of the 2D world not to get too deep into it and let it take over your life, just like Fractale has taken over peoples' lives, causing it to 'collapse'. Yeah, it's a clusterfuck.

>> No. 2727 [Edit]
I think it was above average, but could've been a lot better.(i.e. It's a sizable amount of wasted potential.) The world itself needed to be expanded upon further, as we don't really understand too much about the Fractale system.

I think the show should've been 24-26 episodes long instead of just 11. Then again, it might be possible to fit everything into just 11 episodes, but the delivery/execution was something short of failure.

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