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File 129496067342.png - (292.04KB , 420x616 , hourou-musuko-promo-art[1].png )
1386 No. 1386 [Edit]
It has been a while since I read the manga, so I really should reread it sometime soon. That aside, the new anime was really good, in my opinion. The art was beautiful, the animation lovely, the music was nice, and the voice actors were pretty good. In particular, I loved how they drew the cherry blossoms.

It was a bit odd that they didn't start the anime at the start of the manga, but I guess they were planning on this not getting a second season, like Aoi Hana. That, coupled with only having 11 episodes, probably means they'll have to cram a lot in, and cut a lot out. It's regrettable, but now I'm curious as to how far they'll get.

The opening song took me a little by surprise. Maybe it's because I finished watching Aria a few nights ago, but I was expecting a softer, more gentle OP for this anime. Not to say the OP is bad, it's nicely sung, though Crunchyroll doesn't translate the words. That aside, the background music was very beautiful, I thought. The violins, the piano, Clare de Lune at the end; it was all very pretty, and was more what I was expecting for this anime. The ending song surprised me quite a bit, though. The beginning was beautiful, but when the girl started singing, I honestly thought they hired a female American country singer for the song. It was really surprising! When she sings Japanese, it goes away, but every time those English lyrics come up, she sounds exactly like some country singer from America. Now that's talented.

As far as voice acting goes, I believe they hired a 13 year old boy as the VA for Nitori rather than the normal 25~ year old VAs typically hired. I guess they were going for realism. We'll have to see how it pans out later on. I'm particularly interested in how they do the event in volume 11, if they get there, where Nitori's voice begins cracking. The VA himself wasn't perfect, and didn't sound to fit in with the other voices at times, but I thought he was pretty good for a 13 year old.

Plotwise... Well, as anyone would tell you, this anime isn't a 'loltrap' anime, a la BakaTest, Minami-ke, MariaHolic, etc. It is attempting to seriously tackle the issue of transgenderism and transsexualism. The manga does so quite well, I feel, and the anime seems to be following the same path.

To be expected from an 11 episode anime, the pacing was fast, with a lot crammed in, but the music and general atmosphere seemed to have helped make it feel as to have a more natural pace. As far as I could tell, the anime will likely be using flashbacks quite often, seeing as they started in volume 5.

To comment strictly on the anime, I felt it handled things quite well. The dialogue, settings, and characterizations all helped make the drama feel more realistic. It was a bit odd, as I've said, to start where the anime started, but the anime did try to help the viewers 'catch up', as it were, as fast as possible.

It's unfortunate, but the subject matter means that it will be subject to multiple trolls and outright hatred of a lot of people. That's also probably why the studio likely doesn't plan on a season two, which, by the way, is simply my own conjecture.

That said, so long as you keep your personal feelings on the matter of transgender-/transsexualism aside, this anime truly does seem to be shaping up to something very enjoyable. Though, I am not sure how well a viewer could relate to the piece if they don't have at least an open mind toward the issues the anime is about.
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>> No. 1389 [Edit]
This was my most anticipated show, an done of the only ones I've been looking forward to watching. Beautiful first episode. The overall art of the show from character designs to animation and background art is perfect, AIC did such a good job with this one.

I'm already incredibly sad that it's only 11 episodes. I know I'm going to feel exactly the same way I did when Aoi Hana ended.
>> No. 1392 [Edit]
I thought it was great. Too tired to post thougts though.
>> No. 1420 [Edit]
This is the indisputable best show of the season, hands down. The art was terrific, the voice actors fit well, and the music was absolutely beautiful.

Watch this show.
>> No. 1422 [Edit]
I really liked the first episode. Can't be arsed to post all my thoughts on it as the OP done it far better than I ever could. The art really caught my eye though, it was excellent.
>> No. 1438 [Edit]
It's nice to see an Anime use crossdressing as a serious plot point instead of just situational humour.

Definitely looking like it may be the best anime this season.
>> No. 1445 [Edit]
I haven't seen the first episode yet (downloading now), but I am anticipating it highly. What I remember of the manga was quite good and I am hoping it translates to anime as well as Aoi Hana.
>> No. 1453 [Edit]
This show is awful. It's trying too hard to be mature and it falls on its face, coming across as pretentious.
>> No. 1454 [Edit]

You might want to actually post a reasoned argument on why you think it falls flat on its face if you're going to use a trollbait word like "pretentious." Just saying because I really don't want this place to devolve to /a/.
>> No. 1456 [Edit]
/a/ is a fucking shitstorm when you bring up this show.
Anyway, I think I might have a difficult time getting past the hurdle that is starting at volume 5.
>> No. 1773 [Edit]
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<--- Your mind in two phrases?

Anyway, I'm already starting to like this Saori girl protagonist/rival unrequitted love...turns me on.
>> No. 1794 [Edit]
I've been reading the manga since about 3-4 years ago.
The adaptation so far hasn't been perfect, but it's trying it's best. Making up the whole second half of episode 1 wasn't probably the best move, but since then it's been okay.
I can't wait to see how it ends, though.

It's gotten better, fotunately.
>> No. 1863 [Edit]
Have not read the manga yet, but I started last night and am still reading it. I've only seen 2 episodes of the show so far so I fortunately can't make a judgment yet.
>> No. 2206 [Edit]
File 129833860020.jpg - (72.83KB , 1280x720 , [umee]_Wandering_Son_-_02_[D16C3A49][20-34-13].jpg )
This (along with Sasameki Koto) makes me wonder how common crossdressing models are in Japan/Asia.

Also, so far I like Sarashina/Chi-chan and the main character best. . .but really, they're all turning out pretty nicely.
>> No. 2342 [Edit]
File 129922141349.jpg - (90.29KB , 561x302 , hourou.jpg )
Well, this series is turning out to be real good...

Might start reading the manga.
>> No. 2388 [Edit]
I quite enjoy the show to be honest. It's well paced and does not try to exceed above what it is.
>> No. 2532 [Edit]
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Episode 9 was perfect. I don't know if knowing what was coming gave it a stronger sense of tension, and I'd expected them to work towards this as the climax after seeing where they chose to start the show from, but even so my heart was really pounding while I watched it. There wasn't much BGM this time, but it felt like not having it made the awkward silences while awaiting judgement even more powerful.

Chi also showed herself to be a lot more logical than she looks. Nitori really has a great group of friends, which I suppose is why it seems all the more tragic that he ignores them to follow Doi's advice. Though I think even without him planting the thought, this outcome was inevitable. I'm half looking forward to and half dreading the next episode now.

I've got my aunt, cousins and grandparents visiting at the moment so I'm hiding upstairs, but I did get a chuckle out of imagining the response I'd get if I appeared downstairs in my female clothes. Heh. Luckily for me I'm too much of a coward to ever really consider doing something like that.
>> No. 2541 [Edit]
if I got you right:
-what kind of female clothes you normally wear?
-your parents accept it, already?
>> No. 2544 [Edit]
I loved episode 9. This is a great show, and I'm going to start the manga because of it. Aoi Hana was a good read, too.

Sucks that there is only 2 more episodes left, with the final 12th airing way in September as an OVA.
>> No. 2575 [Edit]
File 130092802514.jpg - (57.95KB , 1280x720 , [umee]_Wandering_Son_-_08_[FFD5D691][20-50-59].jpg )
I love how they made the "experienced model" character Anna very "model-like", fashionable and super pretty and all that without being gaudy.
>> No. 2576 [Edit]
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>> No. 2577 [Edit]
I agree, but I hate how she was talking while on the toilet.
I've heard that girls do that, but that is just a major violation of bathroom etiquette to me. Couldn't stop thinking about it the entire time. Worse was when she made some sort of "Ahn~" sound, which was actually a part of the conversation, but then flushed, making it seem like a reflex of her excretory system.
That scene just felt so awkward to me.
>> No. 2787 [Edit]
File 130185637775.jpg - (99.02KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Wandering Son - 11 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
I liked the ending.

Simple, but powerful.
Well, back to waiting a month for a new chapter.
>> No. 2794 [Edit]
Question to manga readers: Which volumes did the anime actually adapt?
>> No. 2891 [Edit]
From volume 5, chapter 34, to volume 10 chapter 82.

If you are planning on reading it, I'd recommend you to start from scratch, since the anime skipped several storylines even in the volumes it adapted.
>> No. 2903 [Edit]
Yes...the manga is much better than the show. The art style is subtly different, though. At least on some of the characters. They look a little more...ah I don't know.

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