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No. 1383 [Edit]
  So, what does everyone think of this now that the PV is out?

It's actually animated pretty well for an extended car commercial.
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>> No. 1384 [Edit]
Definitely gonna be watching, but didn't see anything car related in the pv.

Maybe they'll just sneak in ads for the cars in every ep like pizzahut does with so many other shows?
>> No. 1385 [Edit]
>youtube broadcast

But in any case, I doubt I'll watch it. Just not really interested in the content. Wish they'd make something more over-the-top with transformers-like Subaru or something. Oh well.
>> No. 1400 [Edit]
The animation is nice, but I'm not so sure I'll watch it. Guess we'll see.
>> No. 1763 [Edit]
Was a pretty nice short watch. Not sure if it's going to continue or if it's done, but I would be ok with watching more.
>> No. 1764 [Edit]
Oh look more moe shit. Typical GAINAX whoring itself out.

...I'll still be watching.
>> No. 1765 [Edit]
Why will you be watching it if you think it's "moeshit"?
>> No. 1767 [Edit]
If you think it's 'moeshit', then why are you on here?
>> No. 1770 [Edit]

Because I like moe shows, even when they are shit.
>> No. 1787 [Edit]
Sounds like someone needs to be more honest with their feelings.
>> No. 1891 [Edit]
File 129750404553.png - (1.05MB , 1279x719 , pleiades 2.png )
This was kind of nice, seemed very, very rushed, but with only four six or so minute long episodes to wrk with, one can't really expect that good of pacing, though it was still a bit confusing at a few of the parts..
Animation wasn't half bad at all, typical of gainax.
I found it a bit surprising how little it had to do with cars from the Subaru name attached to it, at least that's what I was thinking until the character Subaru was tossed a magical wand that had the sound of a car's ignition, and they went off to collect parts of a motor, but the car related stuff ended with that, not that I'm complaining at all, but an anime about car racing or something like that would have made much more sense.
The youtube thing really put me off at first, but the quality was fine, and the mini episodes went into each other almost seamlessly, quick screens pointing out the end of the episode aside of course.
I really hope more of this gets put out some day, be it another ona or a full series, it seems like there is still stuff to explore here.
>> No. 1892 [Edit]
We call that tsundere 'round these parts.

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