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File 129486887733.png - (1.17MB , 1600x1000 , you are already dead.png )
1346 No. 1346
What are the classics of the classics that you MUST see, whether you like them or not?
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>> No. 1347
File 129486998112.jpg - (1.28MB , 1800x1149 , 1261730117793.jpg )
card captor sakura and mahou shoujo lyrical nanoha
>> No. 1348
Nothing. Watch what you want.
>> No. 1349
Why would I watch a show I don't like?
>> No. 1350

You don't know if you are gonna like it or not if you haven't watched it yet.
>> No. 1351
File 129487153821.jpg - (57.90KB , 648x480 , 1226112041547.jpg )
Neon Genisis Evangelion
>> No. 1352

A more tasteful man I rarely meet.
>> No. 1354
True, but there's a ridiculously large amount of media out there. You have to narrow it down somehow.
>> No. 1355

That's why I'm asking.

There are many shows and a lifetime is not enough to watch them all, but if I can watch all the classics of the different genres, at least I'll be able to develop a better taste.
>> No. 1356
If an anime catches my eye I'll watch it. I don't usually need to download it to know if it's shit or not. "Must see classics" are just pretentious. Although I did watch Evangelion
>> No. 1357
Fair enough.

Award-winners, at least. A lot of them I've seen highly praised as classics by people before.
>> No. 1358
File 129487357679.png - (589.64KB , 1280x720 , 1203021431535.png )
Probably this. My list would be however:
* Princess Mononoke
* Ghost in the Shell
* Akira
(* Spirited Away)

Sorry but if you haven't seen at least one of these you can't be called an anime enthusiast.
>> No. 1360
Lucky Star, Haruhi.
>> No. 1366
Somehow, even after all these years, I JUST realized Rei and Kaworu have the exact same face.
>> No. 1367
>Neon Genisis Evangelion
agreed. looking through the "how did you get into anime" thread its amazing how many people mention this show.

I dont know if youre trolling but for anime released within the last decade I would say this is definitely a classic and among the must-watch titles.
>> No. 1368
How do you guys define "classic" anyways? It seems like most of the time, people only use that word as a more sophisticated-sounding way of saying something's really good.
>> No. 1369
They do. But considering the Haruhi anime is almost five years old now, and still just as popular, I'd say it qualifies.
>> No. 1370

Not necessarily, something iconic can be a classic, and a must watch, but I don't think quality it's the only requirement.
Maybe it's the popularity, or the way it changes the industry and establishes how the genre is going to evolve after that moment.

I don't know how else to describe it. Classic the only word fitting that kind of series.
>> No. 1371
File 129488865927.jpg - (114.01KB , 1024x768 , Doraemon.jpg )
Doraemon, Black Jack, Gundam.
>> No. 1372
File 129489011317.jpg - (62.53KB , 600x750 , THIS IS THE BEST PLAN EVER NO SERIOUSLY IT IS.jpg )
SDF Macross, along with Do You Remember Love?
>> No. 1374

Something it's usually said to become a classic, when it sets the standards for the state of art of its time and be the motive for funding/refunding a new alma mater school. It's such a work that synthesizes and sublimates a certain heritage, functioning like a watershed: the definitory moment for a discipline, whose influence will never be negligible in further years... That said:


...and from before 90's:

>> No. 1375
For stuff that hasn't been mentioned

Golden Boy
Serial Experiments Lain
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Kimagure Orange Road
Maison Ikkoku

The list probably goes on forever if I were to rant my opinion.
>> No. 1376
SEL stands for Lain.
>> No. 1377
Figures I can't even figure out a simple acronym.
>> No. 1378
I've never heard it called that, either.
>> No. 1379
why not just call it Lain. you only have to type 4 letters.
>> No. 1380
Yeah, I usually just see Lain, not SEL.
>> No. 1424
Captain Harlock
Gundam 0079
SDF Macross
Kimagure Orange Road
Urusei Yatsura
Maison Ikkoku
Barefoot Gen
Wings of Honneamise
City Hunter
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Galaxy Express 999
Astro Boy
Mazinger Z
Getter Robo
Fist of the North Star
Maybe Dragonball
Whole bunch of other mecha
Whole bunch of other things, this is just what came to me off the top of my head.
>> No. 1448
thanks for the all recommendations brohnos
I'm finding myself watching all the old shows again, what a nostalgia trip
>> No. 1464
Why the hell has no one mentioned Utena yet? I've never seen a show with so much symbolism before in my life.
>> No. 1469
I love the fact that Cowboy Bebop hasn't been mentioned yet.

Well, it's a difficult subject. If a newcomer asked me what to watch I'd list at least ~50 shows and I would advise him to watch all of them before getting into currently airing shows. For some reason it always feels awfully wrong to me when I see people who just kinda start watching new shows out of the blue without ever as much as thinking about classics. It gets even worse when I see people who claim they've seen 200 shows (and I know for sure they're not lying) and yet look at me like I'm a retard whenever I try to mention something that aired before ~2004. Oh well, at least I don't have to worry about stuff like that on /tc/.

So, to add a few to the list:

- Galaxy Express 999 and yes, I do realize somebody mentioned it already but (for some reason I can't really comprehend) there are LOTS of people out there who haven't seen it even though they are not the types to say stuff like 'hurr it looks like shit'
- LOGH, even though we all know it's not as good as some people claim it is (but don't get me wrong, it's still great)
- ... Aaaand I've already run out of steam.

Mainly because it's really hard to determine what can be described as classic and what can't. For example, is Champloo old enough? What about Akagi/Kaiji? Either way, even though I wouldn't consider them classics there are lots of shows that you simple have to watch (or at least watch a few episodes). Sometimes they are good, sometimes they are bad but they always have something about them that makes them interesting (or at least noteworthy) in a way. Lucky Star is a good example that was already mentioned. Whether it's good or bad doesn't really matter here, I'd let everyone decide that on their own. But you just should watch it... of course there's the issue of references so maybe it's not a good idea to watch it realy early on. Same goes for HnG, SZS, Gintama. People watch all these shows without getting into 'classics' first and then they're confused because they don't get the jokes.

So, back to my list:

- at least two traditional shounen titles (Slayers, Dragon Ball, Saint Seiya etc. - pick your own poison). Of course you don't have to watch ALL of it but you should watch a few episodes to get a hang of things.
- old mahou shoujo stuff (well, we've got that covered with CCS and Nanoha)
- some old mecha anime (older Gundam series, Votoms, Tekkaman - again, you don't have to watch all of it if you don't like it)

... I feel that what I've written was ALL. OVER. THE PLACE. but for some reason (well the reason is pretty sim ple to be honest - my PC died on me two weeks ago and it's sort of hard to settle down and take things easy again as there's much reading I'll have to do and tenths of thread I'ld like to read/respond to) it's hard to gather my thoughts today so I just sort of wrote everything that came to my head. Sorry 'bout that.
>> No. 1471
File 129547274159.jpg - (69.46KB , 450x583 , 15914170_m.jpg )
Because we were all waiting for you to contribute. Just like how I'm the first one to mention Dezaki's adaptations (of classic manga) Rose of Versailles, Ashita no Joe, and Aim for the Ace. Whatever happened to the RoV movie that was supposed to come out in 08 or 09 anyways?

I'd also mention Candy Candy but it seems English is the only language that doesn't have this fully subtitled (but there are scanlations of the original manga).
>> No. 1472
>- LOGH, even though we all know it's not as good as some people claim it is
Nope, I can't say that I do know that. In fact your sentence made me do a double take to make sure I had read it correctly.

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