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File 129479573295.jpg - (101.87KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? - 01 [EFEF6063].jpg )
1332 No. 1332 [Edit]
I died laughing.
Expand all images
>> No. 1334 [Edit]
I grinned like an idiot. The first episode was mediocre, but it has that potential, just like MM!.
>> No. 1335 [Edit]
File 129479841317.jpg - (264.72KB , 1920x1080 , 1294763216537.jpg )
The ED killed me
>> No. 1336 [Edit]
See now my hopes are higher.

A large part of it was adorable, definitely
>> No. 1342 [Edit]
That was great.

Deen is 2/2 this season so far for me, which is the best they've done since like, well, let's not talk about that.
>> No. 1345 [Edit]
This show was a pleasant surprise. My favorite of the season so far!
>> No. 1381 [Edit]
>> No. 1396 [Edit]
Awesome first episode. It didn't take itself seriously and it managed to be interesting. I loved the ED and the Nanaka Crash bits, too.
>> No. 1399 [Edit]
Yep, it's the best show of this season so far.

Can't wait for more.
>> No. 1473 [Edit]
Just watched the first ep. Cute, funny, and some action too.
>> No. 1477 [Edit]
I really liked it. The first episode was hilarious and the second had that same humor with a bit more characterization that didn't feel forced like most other series that try to do the same thing. I am looking forward to following this.
>> No. 1492 [Edit]
>It didn't take itself seriously
Just call it parody.
>> No. 1500 [Edit]
This is getting more interesting.

Eu doesn't take shit from anyone and apparently has a sad story.
Also, her and the MC's first meeting outside that store is D'awwwwww
>> No. 1502 [Edit]
Just watched one and two last night. It's easily my favorite this season.
>> No. 1520 [Edit]
File 12959143966.jpg - (258.53KB , 1920x1080 , bowling.jpg )
>> No. 1521 [Edit]
Totally thought this was Hideyoshi from Baka to Test until I saw the full image.
>> No. 1541 [Edit]
File 129598601989.jpg - (116.86KB , 1280x720 , shirt too big.jpg )
Why am I always the most attracted to the bratty girls? ;_;
>> No. 1542 [Edit]
I am too bro. I am too.
>> No. 1545 [Edit]
You're not alone. But then again, I like the three girls in the series.
>> No. 1561 [Edit]
It's ok, she's many times better than the other girl.

Seriously, is it that hard to have manners when it comes to the persons who's house you live in now?

At least the magic girl makes him food and Necromancer brought him back to life.
>> No. 1566 [Edit]
I actually expected her to be more bratty. As a pleasant surprise I actually found myself liking her.
Vampire ninja is terrible though.
>> No. 1569 [Edit]
You're both damn insects!
Yeah she sucks
>> No. 1570 [Edit]
File 129608097310.gif - (451.13KB , 675x275 , 90a3d7e8189e8e63c6d7a37e759f9001.gif )
She's easily the best girl.
>> No. 1626 [Edit]
File 129641327664.png - (592.84KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka - 01 (1280x720 h264 .png )
I just realized this: If sunlight harms him, why does he have a window seat? Can't he ask to be moved to a seat on the other side of the classroom if that's the case?
>> No. 1627 [Edit]
But that would break a cliche. Where's the fun in that, man?
>> No. 1636 [Edit]
But cliches are old and overplayed. Especially this one.
>> No. 1637 [Edit]
That's the joke. He's sitting in the typical "protagonist" seat, but because of his condition it's a really bad thing for him.
>> No. 1643 [Edit]
I guess you're right, but the "protagonist seat" is WAY overdone.
>> No. 1661 [Edit]
Second episode wasn't THAT great. I hope the 3rd one will get a little bit more funny. The serious stuff just feels out of place in the serie.
>> No. 1662 [Edit]
3rd episode was a while ago.
>> No. 1663 [Edit]

Goddamit, those German stream sites are are damn slow.
>> No. 1664 [Edit]
File 129654610538.jpg - (30.51KB , 640x360 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I haven't seen it yet but apparently things get serious in the next episode (see picture). I really hate shit like this
>> No. 1665 [Edit]
Lame, this show was fun to watch.
>> No. 1666 [Edit]
File 129655705746.gif - (1.22MB , 274x256 , chaa.gif )
Here you go, best part of the show. Now you don't need to watch it.
>> No. 1667 [Edit]
Yeah, I really hate seeing cute girls die. I hate it more than anything, especially in a series I thought was going to cute and fairly lighthearted. If this kind of shit is what I should expect from the show from now on then I don't really want to watch it anymore.
>> No. 1668 [Edit]
I see what you guys are saying, but it doesn't really bother me. Still my favorite this season, but I guess that isn't saying much since I only picked up 5 or 6.
>> No. 1669 [Edit]
File 129661772689.gif - (26.17KB , 357x241 , 1164075980242.gif )
You took the words right out of my mouth.

Maybe I should have expected as much from a certain other anime airing this season, but this show really did seem like a light hearted comedy
The original description for this show did make it seem as if it might be a tad bit on the gruesome side, but after hearing good things about it, I checked it out and it didn't seem at all bad in that regard, aside from the protag who seems to get slapped around a lot.. but who cares about men?
I knew stuff like this would be coming up sooner or latter once they started talking about the serial killer that killed the protag in the first ep.. but I don't know, it might have been nice if they didn't show it you know? I mean, stuff like that injured girl being hospitalized after her parents where killed is just sad man..
Not really the kind of stuff befitting to what's supposed to be a comedy I think..

stuff like this kind makes me want to hide in a corner and wait until all the bad things go away, it just keeps happening! everyone is dieing!

>> No. 1670 [Edit]
It was going to happen eventually. I didn't really want to see twintails girl die but judging from the OP and the general feel of the anime in terms of the serial killer, it was going to happen. I did like the contrast between the last scene and the ED though. That was really effective and the whale battle scene was really, really well done. I am interested to see where this goes.
>> No. 1671 [Edit]
>but who cares about men?

Exactly. When this kind of thing happens to guys I don't care at all, but when it happens to girls it really gets me for some reason
>> No. 1672 [Edit]
File 129662733076.png - (7.64KB , 493x402 , 1277101924134.png )
Seriously guys? You're all gonna drop yet another show because someone dies?
>> No. 1673 [Edit]
I'm gonna keep watching it.
>> No. 1674 [Edit]
I'm not dropping it, as long as things don't get all serious now and I can go back to laughing at crossdressing zombies and harvesting Haruna images. I never watched the other show to begin with
>> No. 1675 [Edit]
I am not going to drop my favorite of the season.
>> No. 1677 [Edit]
Nah, it sucks but it's not like it's a main character that significantly affects the show or someone who has been around long enough to leave a significant impression.

Also, I would appreciate it if you didn't act as if killing cute girls is nothing or something that we're overreacting about, I'm sorry if this annoyed you, but some of us are indeed bothered by such things, maybe someday when you grow a heart you might understand.
>> No. 1678 [Edit]
It's not about having a heart or not, you autist. It's the 4th episode of an anime after a char has gotten 4~6 minutes of airtime. Believe it or not, not everybody breaks down in tears and spirals into depression over the loss of such a character. Get over yourself idiot.
>> No. 1679 [Edit]
Yeah, I think I pointed that out myself in my first sentence there..
>> No. 1680 [Edit]
I'm still watching it. Only necromancer and magical girl are worth watching. People are dropping this show only because a 'normal' girl dies?
>> No. 1682 [Edit]
File 129665936865.jpg - (330.45KB , 1280x720 , [Underwater-Commie] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka - 04 (7.jpg )
This made me laugh harder than I have in a long, long time.
>> No. 1683 [Edit]
i cried like a bitch during kanon, i cried like a bitch during clannad, i cried like a bitch during air.
hell i cried like a bitch the first time i saw ash turned to stone in the first pokemon movie.
i cried during the cutscene before the final battle in okami.
i cried at the ending of angel beats.
i teared up when mami died
i cried the last 3 episodes of tokyo magnitude 8.0
i think i have a heart, thank you very much.
>> No. 1686 [Edit]
I never cried that badly through anything in those series you mentioned at all. The most I felt was a horrible feeling in my chest and my eyes getting a bit watery. Am I a heartless bastard?
>> No. 1687 [Edit]
>Only necromancer and magical girl are worth watching

I agree. Though apparently there's an upcoming character who is voiced by Ika Musume's actress, so that will probably be nice
>> No. 1688 [Edit]
That or an over active pair of Lacrimal glands.
>> No. 1696 [Edit]
Fukken Doki finally released their subs.

Man this ep revealed some key details about what's going on about Eu, the underworld, and the murders.

And again with the cross-dressing? You'd think they would make it so when he transforms he would look more masculine. Then again, it's Japan...

What's with that? He just sorta attempts to drink it spills everywhere as says "pardon my intrusion".

Yeah what the hell? Just ended the ep on a cliffhanger of her dyeing.
>> No. 1699 [Edit]
Just to let you guys know, the girl didn't die.
>> No. 1700 [Edit]
She looks pretty dead to me, unless she comes back as a zombie or something.
>> No. 1701 [Edit]
Well, I saw blood everywhere and her eyes were wide open from shock. So I assume that she's dead unless if necromancer revives her.
>> No. 1703 [Edit]
She doesn't die at all. It's someone else's blood, or so say the spoilers.
And if you want even more spoilers:
She's the killer.
>> No. 1704 [Edit]
Where are you getting that info from? I assume the novels
>> No. 1705 [Edit]
I've talked to someone who has read the novels.
>> No. 1707 [Edit]
This just gets better and better.
The fact that his dress got cuter as he powered up more was hilarious
>> No. 1708 [Edit]
That's a spoiler?

Not much of a surprise, I was already getting that feeling when she was describing Necromancer. There is just no way Eu could be doing something like that when she reacted the way she did to magic girl telling him to die.
>> No. 1709 [Edit]
I assumed her description meant someone who just looked like Eu (a comrade maybe) was the killer
>> No. 1717 [Edit]
I guess I could see where you're coming from. Maybe I had just read the spoiler before and didn't realize it, but she just never sat well with me.
>> No. 1719 [Edit]
I really wish you spoilered the first part of that post. That's alright though. I am the idiot for not seeing it coming.
>> No. 1783 [Edit]
File 129710410864.jpg - (86.85KB , 1440x810 , haruna neck.jpg )
>> No. 1784 [Edit]
I love how a single show can make the worst day of the week bearable. It's been a long time since a show I watched came out on a Monday.

Another nice episode, nonetheless.
>> No. 1789 [Edit]
Still going with Haruna and Eu.

Sera is either a stuck up lesbian or a stuck up tsundere who is just full of tsun.
>> No. 1791 [Edit]

I usually never rage but this is too much.
>> No. 1796 [Edit]
File 129713372661.jpg - (120.16KB , 945x777 , boobs.jpg )
Best episode.

Not even going to click
>> No. 1799 [Edit]
Holy fuck truck ton of dicks rammed up the shitty ass of Richard Simmons over a rainbow, That is gay.
>> No. 1800 [Edit]
wait, there's yuri in zombie 5?

fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck doki hurry the fuck up with your shit fuck.
>> No. 1801 [Edit]
File 129714438716.jpg - (149.24KB , 1365x771 , makeout.jpg )
>> No. 1802 [Edit]
I love how everyone is defending it. I refuse to even watch that video, because you should wait until a show is over to review it, but it seems like at least some of them know what they are talking about.

I don't even like yuri and that scene got a slight reaction out of me.
>> No. 1816 [Edit]
Not even worth linking something like that. Just another kid with a webcam.
>> No. 2051 [Edit]
File 129779690013.jpg - (76.51KB , 612x710 , eu magic.jpg )
Oh my
>> No. 2052 [Edit]
This episode was morbid as hell. No permanent damage done though so whatever.
>> No. 2054 [Edit]
File 129780184228.gif - (809.47KB , 500x281 , Spoiler Picture.gif )
>> No. 2121 [Edit]
morbid indeed, can't say I remember the last time I saw someone get their skin peeled off in an anime.
And I don't know, maybe it's just me, but there's something.. I don't know, unsettling, about a cross dressing zombie hacking away at a naked girl repeatedly with a chainsaw, killing her multiple times over.
>> No. 2122 [Edit]
So... are they going to remove the cross dressing or not?
It was funny before, now it's getting kinda annoying.
>> No. 2123 [Edit]
>> No. 2124 [Edit]
File 129799842369.jpg - (74.01KB , 1280x720 , kyoko sword.jpg )
At least he didn't kill her for real. She may be an insane killer but she's so cute...
>> No. 2125 [Edit]
Yeah it was funny the first time, but it was already old by the second they did it and it was clear at that time they were gonna keep doing it.
I'm honestly sick of it, it wasn't even that funny on eu, ..but was a good change of pace all the same I guess, even though it didn't last long and they went back to the cross dressing zombie yet again.
I now always look away during his transformation scene, I really don't need to see a zoom in shot of a guy's crotch who's wearing pantys.
>> No. 2126 [Edit]
I completely agree. It's getting very old very fast.
>> No. 2135 [Edit]
It's a plot point at this point, they aren't going to just remove it right now.

Well, actually, they may. I don't know, but I don't mind either way.
>> No. 2138 [Edit]
plot point?
you mean how he's does the drag because he took her powers, but he didn't really, it was the girl that gave him his powers that took her powers which only passed though the guy in drag who didn't take the powers?

..hey if she got her powers taken why can she still make shields and stuff?
and why can't eu give them back?
>> No. 2139 [Edit]
As I said, plot point.

I don't see the big deal with that outfit, but hey, I don't mind gay things, let alone in an anime such as this.
>> No. 2143 [Edit]
File 129805488297.jpg - (136.80KB , 1280x720 , beaten by a pervert.jpg )
It's funny because of the reactions it gets out of the bad guys
>> No. 2153 [Edit]
The entire show is largely a parody of mahou shoujo and other tropes.

They're not getting rid of the dress.
>> No. 2164 [Edit]

Too bad.
It would be a lot better.
>> No. 2165 [Edit]
This is the last place I'd expect to see people be uncomfortable with cross-dressing
>> No. 2166 [Edit]
Especially in a comedy series
>> No. 2167 [Edit]

It's not that I am uncomfortable with it... It's just that, if you are gonna do a serious scene, do a serious scene, don't make a non funny comedic cross-dressing scene filled with melodrama... it gets boring after the third time.
>> No. 2169 [Edit]
  Finally got around to watching ep6, and I think this video describes it nicely.
>> No. 2172 [Edit]
Yeah really, I don't think I've ever seen anyone before other then myself have a problem with it around here.
>> No. 2207 [Edit]
File 12983547255.jpg - (209.83KB , 1392x778 , jellyfish.jpg )
You walked into the wrong neighborhood, punk!
>> No. 2208 [Edit]
File 129835596043.jpg - (213.52KB , 1390x778 , uh oh.jpg )
Oh god, I can feel the doujins
>> No. 2209 [Edit]
File 129835603535.jpg - (97.77KB , 753x743 , mael.jpg )
New girl is cute!
>> No. 2210 [Edit]
File 129835608618.jpg - (240.72KB , 1390x782 , speechless.jpg )
and finally, this. Pretty good episode
>> No. 2211 [Edit]
We are going to get like 10 doujins for this show, and most of those will be for >>2208

Fucking Japan.

Indeed she is. Eu > Tomonori > Haruna >>> Sera.

Although Sera has become slightly more tolerable as it's gone on, she is still my least favorite.
>> No. 2212 [Edit]
>We are going to get like 10 doujins for this show, and most of those will be for >>2208

I fail to see how that's a bad thing. Then again I have a monster rape fetish so...
>> No. 2229 [Edit]
I hate how they use the word "zombie" in this, he's not a zombie he's a "voodoo zombie" or "black magic zombie": someone who died and was brought back to life with black magic (in this case necromancy) and is a "slave" depending on what the voodoo priest (in this case a necromancer) wants.
And if you say something like "zombies aren't real" please, there is more proof that the solanum virus exist than what you think.
>> No. 2230 [Edit]
You know the title of the show translates into "Is it a zombie?"

Also if you listen at the end of episode 1 he says he's not really a zombie, just an undead.
>> No. 2232 [Edit]
Well, zombies began as voodoo sorcery shit with one mastermind controlling a legion of zombies, so it's not exactly the wrong term.
>> No. 2233 [Edit]
Have they ever questioned what exactly will happen to Ayu? Will he just be a zombie for the rest of his existence, or will he ever get to be normal again?
>> No. 2244 [Edit]
People die when they are killed.
>> No. 2264 [Edit]
Might be a focus later on, though we're probably not going to see the ending animated, anyway, given it's an ongoing light novel.
>> No. 2302 [Edit]
File 129894339155.jpg - (118.05KB , 1280x720 , GIGABURGER.jpg )
Would you guys eat a super giga burger?
>> No. 2304 [Edit]
File 129895718737.jpg - (117.47KB , 1067x743 , mael wife.jpg )
Vampire ninja being cute
>> No. 2353 [Edit]
Ok, so I was being lazy, and I finally got around to watching episode 7.

This is some of the weirdest shit I have seen in a while. First there's a horse, that's in a shirt, that talks weird, that's perverted, with floating jellyfish, with tentacles, that go up the crossdresser's skirt....
>> No. 2355 [Edit]
File 129929595440.png - (1.01MB , 1280x896 , nyaa.png )
And then I watched episode 8...

Also shit is getting real again.

Excuse the bad stitch but it wouldn't fit together properly.
>> No. 2358 [Edit]
So now he's a magical zombie girl who's married to a vampire ninja...
This show is great
>> No. 2384 [Edit]
I knew I forgot something in my list of weird things on ep 7, being married to a vampire ninja and the ramen cult that made a ramen-raining machine.
>> No. 2535 [Edit]
Hold on a second

So you're telling me, that Eucliwood left them? as in she went back to the underworld?
>> No. 2565 [Edit]
File 130075022963.gif - (91.92KB , 142x140 , Haruna.gif )
I love her faces.
>> No. 2566 [Edit]
Until Mael came along she was my favorite part of the show
>> No. 2568 [Edit]
File 130076911358.jpg - (117.19KB , 1280x720 , eee.jpg )
>> No. 2569 [Edit]
I like how the picture isn't bigger than the thumbnail, so it's like me clicking on her made her angry until I click her again
>> No. 2571 [Edit]
Haruna >= Tomonori > Everybody else at this point.
Tomonori sounds too much like a boy, though I wish she'd sound more feminine.


such a tsundere gif
>> No. 2586 [Edit]
File 130111599134.jpg - (155.59KB , 960x1080 , 1300740675394.jpg )
new episode was great
didnt know he had it in him
>> No. 2592 [Edit]
I thought he learned to fly from how much air time he got, he just kept going higher and higher...
can't wait to see how he walks away from this one.
>> No. 2604 [Edit]
File 130115626681.png - (502.96KB , 725x428 , 1300764727197.png )
anyone else think of this? anyone?
>> No. 2605 [Edit]
I have no idea who that is
>> No. 2606 [Edit]
oh god
>> No. 2608 [Edit]
What I was thinking.
>> No. 2617 [Edit]
File 130118610859.jpg - (172.81KB , 720x400 , [HorribleSubs] Kore wa Zombie desu ka - 10_(XviD_A.jpg )

I'm willing to bet Haruna will get her powers back now. It's about time really.


Wow. Haven't heard this song in a very long time.
>> No. 2619 [Edit]
Maybe she already got them back some time ago, and never said anything becuase she likes seeing what's his face in a dress, or maybe she's actually lazy and wants to mek him do all the fighting.
>> No. 2622 [Edit]
File 130119041599.jpg - (147.40KB , 720x400 , [HorribleSubs] Kore wa Zombie desu ka - 10_(XviD_A.jpg )

Well, I could definitely see her doing the latter. Though, considering the situation, I think she would have used her powers this episode if she could.
>> No. 2659 [Edit]
File 130137647286.jpg - (177.20KB , 1385x777 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Oh snap
>> No. 2660 [Edit]
File 13013773196.jpg - (97.29KB , 1280x720 , what the.jpg )
>> No. 2668 [Edit]
This latest episode was enjoyable, but writing on par with Dragon Crisis.
Throughout the entire thing, I just kept thinking, "He just wants to die, and is asking the only person in the universe who can end his life to do it. Why is he the bad guy?" It'd make more sense if they focused more on his methods for trying to force Eu, but it was all, "But Eu doesn't want to kill her friends!" Then she killed him anyway after Ayumu beat him up while yelling about how Eu has feelings or some unrelated nonsense.

But ignoring the bad writing, which was all over the place, what irked me the most was the vampire orchestra piece. Saras said only Sera could do anything in that situation, yet they still brought the clan to play too. Now, that's not that big a deal, and I can understand using an orchestra to let Sera be a solo violinist, but that isn't what happened, and the actual implementation of it all was so horridly done. You had vampire ninjas in maid outfits playing flutes and trombones, getting into it by swaying their heads, yet there weren't either instrument in the song playing. It was a full-string song. And then when Sera got over her moment of shock that they joined to help her, she began playing her violin too, but there wasn't any such addition to the song, nor an increase in volume of a particular section... Really, I don't expect them to write an orchestral song around what was just a few minutes in an anime (though they did turn one of the anime's songs into a string piece), but they could have at least chose a better song.

That was just a major error on...I don't know, who manages that? Director?

Yeah, while it was refreshing that she didn't scream like an elementary kid or beat the hell out of him as she just got finished doing, I still thought it was odd she didn't mind his penis in her face. SLUUUUUUUUT
>> No. 2669 [Edit]
The vampire ninja maid orchestra was a joke. You're getting too worked up about it.

Seriously just say it slowly outloud: Vampire Ninja Maid Orchestra. Also, the waifu ninja playing the triangle had me rolling.
>> No. 2670 [Edit]
Oh, I know it was a joke, but, while the triangle did have sound, why bother animating girls playing instruments if they won't even have sound.
It's more how half-assed it was that annoys me.
>> No. 2672 [Edit]
>I still thought it was odd she didn't mind his penis in her face
She had just finished dragging all his pieces back together and putting him in bed. I'm sure the shock of his was gone by then.
>> No. 2674 [Edit]
File 130142590352.jpg - (110.73KB , 1440x810 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Holy shit today's episode is going to be awesome
>> No. 2678 [Edit]
The latest episode was all of what makes Kore wa Zombie great, done even better. It throws all convention and reason out the window and just does whatever the fuck it wants. It goes from Vampire Ninja Maid Orchestra vs a giant face in the sky to double Masou Shoujo transformation to manly fistfight to a touching scene between Yuu and Ayumu to Haruna's trip around the world. And it works, without coming across as too "lol so randum xD". Okay, maybe it doesn't always work, but you've got to admire the show's attitude and its soul, its refusal to give a shit about what you or anyone else thinks.

>Throughout the entire thing, I just kept thinking, "He just wants to die, and is asking the only person in the universe who can end his life to do it. Why is he the bad guy?"
Yeah how dare there be any sort of moral ambiguity.
>> No. 2680 [Edit]
Please explain to me the moral ambiguity in Kore wa Zombie Desu ka.
>> No. 2685 [Edit]
Last episode made shit for sense, but damn if it wasn't a crazy mix of adorable and fappable.
>> No. 2700 [Edit]
The villain wants to die but is immortal. Some people, myself included, reason that if one theoretically has the right to life they also have the right to take their own life. This is a controversial opinion to hold. Many disagree with it but I think they would be more understanding if someone who was immortal wished to be released from their endless life. However, the only way for the villain to die is for Yuu to kill him. Many people would find it extremely difficult to kill another person, and Yuu has a particular aversion to killing due to past events in her life as a necromancer. It would be even more difficult and painful for her to kill someone she viewed as a friend, which apparently she views the villain as. So like often happens in real life the rights of two people conflict and contradict each other, and there is no clear right or wrong, no correct answer. The villain, however, chooses a drastic means of resolution that many would find immoral, and that's why he's a villain. It should be noted that it is implied he tried to peacefully settle the matter multiple times before resorting to drastic measures. In the end it is easy to see the villain of this arc not as an evil man, but as one in a difficult situation who made a bad decision after a long period of suffering and frustration.

If one can only handle black and white morality, and stories where the villain is the villain because he's evil and evil because he's the villain, then Kore wa Zombie is not the anime for them. Something like fighting shounen may be more suitable for their moral sensibilities and depth of philosophical outlook.
>> No. 2704 [Edit]
Goodness what's the matter with you people analyzing this so much? You're not supposed to look that deeply into everything that happened to determine if it was good writing. The whole point of the show is supposed to be mindless fun, even the plot portions.
>> No. 2707 [Edit]
Good writing is different from consistent writing. I don't think anyone expects Kore wa to be a study of the human condition ,but consistency is important even if you're writing children's books.In this case, The KotN. Yuu tells Ayumu she thought he was the only zombie and she tried to kill TKotN because his heart was full of malice. In episode 11 however , She whispers something to him and kills him.Was she lying to Ayumu before?
>> No. 2708 [Edit]
wasn't the villain for the first half of this show more or less evil just because she was evil?

her voice was so cute! I damn near died.
>> No. 2709 [Edit]
No, she was evil because TKotN was corrupting her
>> No. 2712 [Edit]
oh yeah.. forgot about that..
>> No. 2717 [Edit]
My post was only meant to be about as serious as the anime itself. I realized some people may take a long-winded, serious reply at face value, which is why I added the second paragraph.

But I really do think it's stupid to complain that a villain is someone you can sympathize with to some degree and isn't 100% evil.
>> No. 2721 [Edit]
When's commie going to have ep 12 subbed? I know Doki has it but I want commie for consistency
>> No. 2847 [Edit]
File 130203803861.jpg - (225.25KB , 1385x781 , eu arousing.jpg )
Finally watched the last episode. This about sums it up
>> No. 4224 [Edit]
File 130737699043.jpg - (53.90KB , 400x324 , 1299314783080.jpg )
>> No. 4225 [Edit]
File 130737757623.jpg - (76.40KB , 349x400 , zjigokuheno1.jpg )
Might look into it, though the crossdressing got really old really fast, and it just got awkward to watch towards the end.

Then again, this picture promises something different...

Post edited on 6th Jun 2011, 9:27am
>> No. 4227 [Edit]
Seriously? I thought it didn't do too well ratings-wise. Oh well, I'm happy.
>> No. 4229 [Edit]
More Haruna, MORE HARUNA!!!
>> No. 4351 [Edit]
Really disliked Haruna, was rather fond of Sera but neither of them could hold a candle to Mael - damn, she was cute. But my favorite from the show was easily Dai-sensei - loved her attitude.

The shows itself wasn't really bad, just boring. I might watch S2 but I honestly doubt it.
>> No. 4878 [Edit]
File 13104922613.png - (328.76KB , 848x480 , Kore%20wa%20Zombie%20Desu%20ka%20-%2013.png )
ep 13 is out
>> No. 4880 [Edit]
File 131049439668.jpg - (33.22KB , 848x480 , alart.jpg )
>> No. 4881 [Edit]
File 131049443049.jpg - (40.04KB , 848x480 , ayumu rape.jpg )

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