No. 14693
This show is craptacular. Might be some spoilers here.
I was laughing my ass off at the last ep. The incarnate engine was capable of destroying the planet all along?! blahaha, now I see why they thought it would be a good idea to get rid of all the power plants around the world! wouldn't want a nasty melt down would you? that might render a whole city uninhabitable for a few years. I guess fuck wind/solar power right? oh and I love how all the battle ships and fighter jets were apparently powered by the thing with no back up battery or engines. and stopped working right away. how do you not see anything wrong with a single powerplant powering -everything- around the entire planet including the shit you're defending yourself with? all it would take is for one nation with it's own powerfully to hit the thing with a nuke or even a few good missiles and take over the rest of the now completely defenseless world.
as for the other stuff in ep12
girls falling to death without a care after losing ability to fly, turning out okay with no explanation how or even why they were falling in the first place.
Akane and emo girl combining even though emo girl didn't have a one of their key things, and never transformed into a ...marching band leader, whatever you wanna call em.
Disappointing character design for the vivid-red character.
old dude gets returned to his body, no explanation how.
emo girl returns to her home planet but comes back, no explanation how or why, or why she'd leave in the first place.
scene stolen from the end of Macross zero.
Why didn't the crow do what it did from the very start? wouldn't it have become much more powerful?
Why did the crow keep emo girl alive after taking her feathers, what wass the point?
Supremely powerful beings supposedly witnessing everything, but not doing anything to stop their subordinate who betrayed them.
why did those supreme beings even appoint the crow to that job in the first place? you'd think they'd have a screening process that would rule out power hungry creatures that would do what it did.
seriously, was the incarnate engine telephoning jet fuel directly to the fighter jets in real time? they were clearly burning something.
and why's old dude and his family living like poor farmers when he could patent and sell that hover bike technology? it's the only one in the world and you just give it to your granddaughter to deliver news papers with? what are you smoking?
Just once... once, I'd like to see someone in an anime respond by saying "what?" or in any way at all, after someone else says their name and nothing else instead of ignoring them. Akane...
anyway, it's a craptacular anime, so bad it's funny. Probably shouldn't expect much in the first place from something made primary to show off various girl's butts.
and it's all still a ripoff of mao-chan, just becuase no one actually watched mao-chan doesn't make it okay! ...I think? [/spoiler]