No. 14385
Please note that I was trying to explain the sense of the title in regard of the given content, not vindicating the show and genre or telling you to like them at all. If the result is not something you can enjoy it's ok, but that doesn't make the title a fraud: it just works differently than a literal description would.
Actually, even a manga like WataMote (much closer to what you might have expected to see in a series about a loner's life) plays with its title in a similar way. Because, despite the title saying "No Matter How You Look At It, It's Your Fault That I'm Not Popular!", it becomes quickly obvious that Tomoko isn't really being bullied, threaten or frontally rejected by anyone, and that it is instead her own egotistical, coward and never straightforward character what leads her into many of the unpleasant situations she gets involved in. i.e. it is not just a venting of the author's frustration (which we can indeed connect and sympathize with) but a sort of self-critique as well, and the ironic title serves to underline that purpose.
Post edited on 9th Mar 2013, 12:43am