No. 2893
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I watch raws, so I don't need subs or dubs. And I don't want my money to go to people who do stuff that I don't even want or need. Not to mention that it takes years for anime shows to be released here in Germany, and only a few select ones are released at all.
I've looked into importing anime DVDs directly from Japan, but the shipping costs to EU are so high that I'd end up paying 2 or 3 times the already hefty regular price. Plus I'd have to wait a month or so for them to arrive.
I also prefer to have my stuff on a compact hard drive rather than on dozens/hundreds of DVDs in their cases (I also hardly own any paperbooks anymore, just gigs and gigs of e-books).
I tried to buy (legally stream/download) some episodes online, but it seems none of the Japanese anime distribution sites allow foreigners to buy their stuff, all I get to see when I'm about to place my order is a screen like picrelated. Happens at all shops I've come across, even those owned by distributors who market their stuff overseas themselves anyway, like Bandai and so on. They obviously don't want my money very much, so I don't see why I should come up with elaborate plans how to pay them when I can just get everything for free without complications anyway.