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File 129472886463.jpg - (119.09KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Amagami_SS_-_18_[h264-720p][69E83186]_mkv_sn.jpg )
1321 No. 1321 [Edit]
Let's say Japanese producers start releasing their anime directly in western markets instead of resorting to western dub/publishers/other intermediaries. Would this be a possibility? Would you be more inclined in buying their stuff or would you still download?

This probably means a few things:
- There will be no dubs, only subtitled anime
- We get faster releases
- We might get more variety and more goodies

Could it backfire in that the bulk of the market won't buy anime because of the lack of dubs? The majority of people who buy dubbed anime are probably naruto-bleach-fans, slimy con-goers, fat kingdom hearts fujoshi etc. Not really the best audience but hey if it brings money. Is this something that can be changed however? You say I can still import my stuff directly from Japan but I don't know moon, import taxes are a bitch and they have no English subtitles for the most part (although we've been seeing some good work in that direction with BRS; Haruhi BRs also have English subs). I'd like to directly support Japanese companies that make entertainment I enjoy but there is little to no way I can do that the way it is now. There is a vast market for all kinds of anime, figs, manga, video games etc in the west, yet nipp producers don't seem to understand that or don't want to publish their shit in the West simply because they don't like us or it seems. Don't they like money? Or is the supply and demand simply not working here? They have to understand: I want my anime and video games to be in Japanese with English subtitles. I want my high-quality DVDs and BRs to have the same bonuses as the Japanese ones. I DON'T want to buy Naruto/OP/DBZ/Bleach/DeathNote. Is that too much to ask or will I be stuck with troll subs until I know moon language? Or am I completely wrong here?
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>> No. 1322 [Edit]
Most anime studios probably can't afford to take the financial risks involved in marketing and selling their products worldwide. It's not really as simple as "sell your stuff in more places and you'll make more money."

It would certainly be better if they were able to though.
>> No. 1323 [Edit]
>Japanese producers start releasing their anime directly in western markets instead of resorting to western dub/publishers/other intermediaries
they already do this. Bandai, Aniplex etc.

I dont see how it makes any difference if the distribution company is Japanese or American. the bottom line is you download because you dont want to pay, I dont care what justification you come up with. buy the Japanese releases and download the fansubs if you actually give a shit.

>Don't they like money? Or is the supply and demand simply not working here?
the demand has been ruined by fansubs and scanlations.
>> No. 1325 [Edit]
I think there are a lot of people that would be more inclined to buy if that were the case, but a lot of said people could also go the route of "If I can get it for free, why pay?".

The most they would probably get is the people who go out of their way to buy it in their original formats anyway.
>> No. 2890 [Edit]
They could do a small scale internet only distributed system with subtitles only, maybe even fansub based subtitles if they work along with them, with small marketing leaving it to the fans to talk about it.
Like an opposite to the current mainstream approach but with the DVD's.
It wouldn't really be that hard or expensive and they'd surely earn some money.

I wonder if the question is if they'd actually earn more like that over the current system of letting some stream sites get it and then selling the rights to the localization companies.
Assuming they'd sell less like this but with a smaller cost then it would be the actual profit that determines it.
Though they could actually end selling more if people somehow like the direct approach more, feel more in touch with their franchises or like the subs more.
I know I'd buy a few shows simply out of love for the franchises if they were released by the company that made them directly and profits went to them entirely and if the subs and the whole product satisfied me.
Never been happy with the american dubs or the subs they use.
>> No. 2893 [Edit]
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I watch raws, so I don't need subs or dubs. And I don't want my money to go to people who do stuff that I don't even want or need. Not to mention that it takes years for anime shows to be released here in Germany, and only a few select ones are released at all.

I've looked into importing anime DVDs directly from Japan, but the shipping costs to EU are so high that I'd end up paying 2 or 3 times the already hefty regular price. Plus I'd have to wait a month or so for them to arrive.
I also prefer to have my stuff on a compact hard drive rather than on dozens/hundreds of DVDs in their cases (I also hardly own any paperbooks anymore, just gigs and gigs of e-books).

I tried to buy (legally stream/download) some episodes online, but it seems none of the Japanese anime distribution sites allow foreigners to buy their stuff, all I get to see when I'm about to place my order is a screen like picrelated. Happens at all shops I've come across, even those owned by distributors who market their stuff overseas themselves anyway, like Bandai and so on. They obviously don't want my money very much, so I don't see why I should come up with elaborate plans how to pay them when I can just get everything for free without complications anyway.
>> No. 2894 [Edit]
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