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File 129471271025.jpg - (92.71KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Dragon Crisis! - 01 [720p]_mkv_snap.jpg )
1315 No. 1315 [Edit]
What an unbelievably cute character. An excellent first episode, i'd say.
Expand all images
>> No. 1316 [Edit]
Looks nice, I'll have to watch this later.
>> No. 1320 [Edit]
It was utterly adorable. Holy shit.
>> No. 1324 [Edit]
Didn't seem like anything special. The music was pretty decent, at least.
>> No. 1327 [Edit]
File 12947808409.jpg - (36.79KB , 1280x720 , dragon.jpg )
So in case anyone missed it in the beginning, this was rose's form in the dream right before she turned
>> No. 1328 [Edit]
File 129478088713.jpg - (36.28KB , 1280x720 , turnsintololi.jpg )
into rose.

I think it looks kind of like a dragon.
>> No. 1329 [Edit]
File 129478137312.jpg - (126.26KB , 1280x720 , Beatrice.jpg )
Beatrice? Is that you?
>> No. 1337 [Edit]
File 129480481429.jpg - (101.57KB , 1280x720 , [CrunchySubs] Dragon Crisis! - 01 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
Oh look that seat again
>> No. 1339 [Edit]
File 12948070469.jpg - (157.09KB , 696x750 , 1242295939649.jpg )
Oh god my body wasn't ready at all.

and then i saw the next episode preview, bye bye heart and nutbladder.
>> No. 1340 [Edit]
File 12948123161.jpg - (110.23KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Dragon Crisis! - 01 [720p]_mkv_snap.jpg )
I just about had a moegasm from the scene with the ice cream
>> No. 1341 [Edit]
File 129481547388.jpg - (105.18KB , 1280x720 , [CrunchySubs] Dragon Crisis! - 01 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
i moegasmed on everything
>> No. 1481 [Edit]
File 129553983913.gif - (141.67KB , 180x290 , 1294814560936.gif )
Bumping with HHNNNGGG
>> No. 1484 [Edit]
File 129557074243.png - (46.18KB , 569x571 , 1281071321937.png )
ryuji you better man the fuck up in episode 3
>> No. 1485 [Edit]
File 129557517431.jpg - (95.04KB , 1280x720 , 1294975397462.jpg )
The cousin is the best.
>> No. 1511 [Edit]
Best at what? Being an obnoxious eye sore?
>> No. 1554 [Edit]
I finished marathoning the first three episodes, and I'm going to drop this.

The first episode is absolutely adorable, and Rose herself is incredibly cute, that much cannot be denied, but overall the show is lacking. While I enjoyed the ED for its catchiness, the OP song was done in the spirit of old fighting anime, and reminded me a little of Slayers. Not that that's bad, just unexpected, and doesn't fit with the anime itself, I felt.

The animation isn't too bad, though it isn't perfect, but the art was lacking in some areas. For example, Ryuuji's jaw is perpetually drawn too high, so it seems like he has stuffed cheeks at certain angles, and just a tumor in his jawbone at other angles. Maybe it's just personal preference, but I simply can't stand when artists do that, having seen so much bad fanarts from amateur artists do the same.

The story, though, is completely, for lack of a better word, boring. I don't mind the flashbacks and references to knowledge the audience doesn't know, and felt they pulled it off well enough, though it felt a bit forced when Ryuuji was remembering what happened after he met Rose the first time. I mean, why didn't he remember those five seconds where the egg fell before? Not that that matters story-wise, but it still felt awkwardly implemented.
While the first episode was introduced as something of a slice of life with hints of your stereotypical harem anime (with the makings of the shy girl, the new mysterious girl, the Sunohara, etc), a story is actually introduced in episode two, but is filled with deus ex machina, and the big bad boss man Onyx made me, personally, feel as though the anime will use him as Inuyasha used Naraku. That is, that he'll come to the MC, demand his bride/threaten to destroy the world using incomprehensible powers that the MC's previous special ability/magic item can't beat, then get beaten by the MC's new and developed-in-just-five-seconds-before-they-were-killed magical item/special ability, which was reinforced by the power of love and/or courage, only for Onyx to run away at the last second and save his skin so he can do the same a few episodes later. And in between, his minions will cause the characters trouble.

Now, this is a large assumption to make, and it's more likely the anime will, instead, switch back to slice of life episodes with Miss DereDereDragon, and only use Onyx to punctuate the slice of life with the semblance of a plot, but in either way, I just can't see myself interested in this anime. If episode 4 is as dere-filled as episode 1 is, I'll watch it then drop it, but otherwise, I can't watch anymore.

Rose is cute as hell, and refreshing Rie-wise, but one character's cuteness can't cut it when the rest of the anime is boring and trite to me.

Ah, this is just my opinion, though.
>> No. 1556 [Edit]
Episode 1: Rose being cute as usual; nothing much
Episode 2: Rose being cute eating ice cream, MC is a pussy faggot
Episode 3: MC finally mans the fuck up (with some bullshit shounen powers) and Rose loves loves loves him loves loves loves him again.
Episode 4+: I'm still going to watch it just cause I felt like it. Maybe MC would go back to being a faggot and hijinks ensue with childhood-friend-who-has-a-crush-on-MC-but-is-going-to-lose-to-Rose. Then dragon faggot pops back up again to ruin MC's shit, turning MC into a faggot until MC magically pulls plot armor bullshit on dragon faggot. And again and again, and ends with a Rose and MC ending. The only difference between this and any anime with Rie and some clueless MC is that Rose isn't a tsundere. (Though I get the feeling that she is going to be a tsundere if MC gets himself involved with other girls)

I've felt that I've watched this stuff over and over again, but still going to watch it just cause I just felt like watching it. Guess I don't have much of a life, then.
>> No. 1563 [Edit]
This show got really terrible after the decent first episode. I don't even think Rie's suki can keep me watching it.
>> No. 1571 [Edit]
>The only difference between this and any anime with Rie and some clueless MC is that Rose isn't a tsundere.
That doesn't make any sense. Rie has done more non-tsundere roles than otherwise. Trust me, I've seen almost all of them. If you don't trust me go and look up her characters yourself. Yes, she's done 3 popular tsundere character, but that doesn't mean she's only done 3 characters total. I'm really sick of people making this horrible point.
>> No. 1572 [Edit]
>a story is actually introduced in episode two, but is filled with deus ex machina

Everything in ep3 was pretty heavily foreshadowed, if not by the story itself, the OP. I'd like you to give an example of this, because I'm not seeing it.

Also ep1 most certainly started the story. It introduced both organizations. Obviously the organization which rose was stolen from was going to be put in some kind of antagonistic role. It also jump started the character relationships development. The only thing it didn't introduce was Onyx.

Is it possible the wrapper wasn't appealing enough for you to have looked close enough at the contents?
>> No. 1573 [Edit]
Except for the dragon's breath. That was pretty inconsequential anyways though.
>> No. 1574 [Edit]
Just because something is foreshadowed to occur doesn't mean it's any less a deus ex machina.

In any event, when I said story, I meant something of a climax, my apologies. While episode 1 did introduce the two organizations, nothing really came of it until episode 2. Yes, 1 did show they are somewhat at odds in collecting these powerful artifacts, and the Fang organization was made out as bad because they valued ends over means, but other than that, nothing else came from episode 1.
But that's not a problem at all.

I'm just going to name things off the top of my head, because I've finished watching another anime series, so my memory might be a little muddled than it was when I made that post.

When Ryuuji was hit with Kei's Dragon Claw, it was suddenly revealed that Rose's breath had magical panacea powers, able to instantly regenerate even destroyed organs.

When Onyx first became an issue, Ryuuji's big-breasted second cousin led him to this magical Dragon Tooth Dagger that he tried to use once before but couldn't. So he tries again, and this time, presumably since he has someone (a dragon) he wants to protect, it works.

So on way to the Tower, Ryuuji is able to use the Dragon Dagger to eliminate the forcefield thing with a single swing. Why?

When dealing with the engagement necklace, which it seems have been used by the entire race of Black Dragons since time immemorial, that plotline was entirely undone by Ryuuji simply tapping the necklace with his dagger, vaporizing it. Why was such an important and magical item destroyed by a weapon made from a tooth? Onyx' reaction, and previous words about how only he (presumably read as, black dragon) could remove it, showed that it was not something that should have happened, and, really, there's no explanation for it. Ryuuji, a human, effectively annulled the engagement of two dragons using a dagger made from a tooth. Furthermore, how did he know that could be done? The dagger itself didn't glow as it did in the helicopter, he just looked at it and knew he could do anything with it.

Fighting Onyx, Ryuuji's Dragon Dagger was able to block Onyx' attacks. Now, okay, dragon vs dragon tooth, I can accept this. Then Rose joins in with her fire and the two of them push back Onyx' black dragon mist stuff.

Now, what happens next isn't a Deus ex Machina, but still a major shift. Previously, Onyx stated that he wants to marry Rose because dragons get a major power boost via a ritual, but it requires absolute trust in each other (ignoring that Rose hates him and effectively wants him dead), but after the engagement presumably gets annulled, he threatens to kill her if she doesn't marry him. Now, this I can chalk up to pride; bride runs off with a human, now I have to kill her for insulting me. Okay. But then he goes on a tirade about how humans and dragons can't be together, and how the two races are bound to hate each other; entirely off from his I want more power! goal before.

Regardless, Onyx is pissed off, so then shifts into maximum overdrive and turns into his dragon form, whereupon the dagger became entirely useless, not even able to scratch Onyx' dragon hide/scales.
Wondering what to do, I presume that Ryuuji and Rose become engaged in the Red Dragons' way, and Ryuuji receives a powerup, despite nothing really showing that Onyx ever received such a thing from being engaged to a dragon. And if it's just a human+dragon bonus, that kind of undermines Onyx' entire spiel about dragons and humans not meant to be, especially considering this all went on right in front of his eyes, and they 'engaged' while he was looking.

In any event, after getting his power up, the dagger seemed to have taken on the aspect of a red dragon and sent enough fire back at OnyxDragon to not only push back his blackdragonfire attack, but defeat him utterly with only one swing. WHY? Even if it combined their powers, Rose is still a newborn dragon, relative to Onyx, and even with Ryuuji's supa-rare level 10 whatever he is that the anime never went into, how where they able to defeat a fully grown black dragon? Even if Ryuuji is a supa-rare level 10 whatever he is, he is still a human. And even though Rose is a red dragon that may or may not be more powerful than a black dragon, she's still a baby compared to Onyx. There has been nothing suggested to show that, by their powers combined, the two of them could defeat him, and it really just came out of no where, with the stupid Dragon Tooth Dagger as the catalyst.

Now, I've not read the manga or LN to know the story, and maybe the story in itself makes sense and lacks glaring holes, but in such a case, this adaptation is terrible, plotwise.
>> No. 1576 [Edit]
>Just because something is foreshadowed to occur doesn't mean it's any less a deus ex machina.

That's actually exactly what it means.

>In any event, when I said story, I meant something of a climax, my apologies.

Disregarding the fact it was a 3 episode arc, there was a climax even in the first episode with the car scene ending with a giant fireball.

>When Ryuuji was hit with Kei's Dragon Claw, it was suddenly revealed that Rose's breath had magical panacea powers, able to instantly regenerate even destroyed organs.

Yes this was the only semi true deus ex machina in the series so far. That said it is not used to resolve anything. It is simply a demonstration of one of the world's rules. A dues ex machina must resolve a plot point.

>When Onyx first became an issue, Ryuuji's big-breasted second cousin led him to this magical Dragon Tooth Dagger that he tried to use once before but couldn't. So he tries again, and this time, presumably since he has someone (a dragon) he wants to protect, it works.

I fail to see how this is a dues ex machina in any regard.

Alright, I see the problem here. You don't understand what a dues ex machina is. It's my folly for not setting a definition before submitting an argument.

A Dues Ex Machina is an event which runs contrary to a story's internal logic to resolve an established unresolvable event. In other words, someone writes themselves into a corner.

What you're citing are demonstrations which are foreshadowed or demonstrated by the story itself:

>So on way to the Tower, Ryuuji is able to use the Dragon Dagger to eliminate the forcefield thing with a single swing. Why?

Because the magic sword has magic properties. This isn't something which came out of no where. The entire series resolves around lost precious items being very valuable.

>When dealing with the engagement necklace, which it seems have been used by the entire race of Black Dragons since time immemorial, that plotline was entirely undone by Ryuuji simply tapping the necklace with his dagger, vaporizing it. Why was such an important and magical item destroyed by a weapon made from a tooth? Onyx' reaction, and previous words about how only he (presumably read as, black dragon) could remove it, showed that it was not something that should have happened, and, really, there's no explanation for it. Ryuuji, a human, effectively annulled the engagement of two dragons using a dagger made from a tooth. Furthermore, how did he know that could be done? The dagger itself didn't glow as it did in the helicopter, he just looked at it and knew he could do anything with it.

The sword is a demonstratively anti-dragon sword. In Onyx's speech he had said dragons and humans kill each other. It is reasonable to assume that means humans have the means to kill dragons. His spiel about them being insects doesn't really ring very true in light of this does it?

>Fighting Onyx, Ryuuji's Dragon Dagger was able to block Onyx' attacks. Now, okay, dragon vs dragon tooth, I can accept this. Then Rose joins in with her fire and the two of them push back Onyx' black dragon mist stuff.

Onyx had talked about the power to engage if his heart became one with Rose's. He never said humans couldn't engage with Dragons. He said they weren't meant to be together. Even if he had what makes Onyx god of the universe? Onyx isn't even worthy of the title of unreliable narrator.

I believe that explains your next two points as well.
>> No. 1586 [Edit]
You people need to all chill and stop nitpicking at the plot, you'll enjoy it more.
>> No. 1681 [Edit]
maybe this show got better with ice dragon girl.

well as with all other shows of this genre, this show is going to turn into a harem of rose, ice dragon and shy classmate
>> No. 1684 [Edit]
actually i'm kinda leaning towards the idea that the white dragon and that 'dragon hunter' are gonna end up close.
just all the stuff about the story with the dragon that was killed because he went insane due to the human he loved being killed by humans for loving a 'monster' and the fact that the 'hunter' is too derpy to be the type to do more then maybe an episode of confusion over finding out the girl is a dragon.
>> No. 1685 [Edit]
File 129667245949.jpg - (7.59KB , 225x225 , images.jpg )
I doubt it. Ice girl is going with Mr. Dragon hunter.

Shy girl is less relevant than Yoshida.
>> No. 1689 [Edit]
>I doubt it. Ice girl is going with Mr. Dragon hunter.
I'm hoping for this too, but she was giving the protagonist that "I've fallen completely in love with you over a single trivial act of kindness" look. It would be a nice break to not have every girl in the series fall for the most worthless male around.

>Shy girl is less relevant than Yoshida.
Yoshida was pretty fucking relevant in that she made SnS significantly less bearable to watch.
>> No. 1690 [Edit]
>I've fallen completely in love with you over a single trivial act of kindness" look.

I was pretty sure she was giving that to George.
>> No. 1851 [Edit]
Onyx is a mid-boss. qq's were had.
>> No. 1852 [Edit]
Stop being so gay for Onyx.
>> No. 1853 [Edit]
Stop being gay for the protagonist.
>> No. 1857 [Edit]
File 129733577188.jpg - (19.19KB , 300x169 , 076.jpg )
Ignore protag, acquire moe.
>> No. 2218 [Edit]
File 129845844679.jpg - (202.76KB , 848x480 , [Underwater-Commie] Dragon Crisis! - 06 (480p) [58.jpg )
This scene killed me.

It might have an almost non existent plot, which is down right silly, cliches crawling out of the wood work, and a romantic chemistry between rose and the butt head protagonist which is on par with a robot programed to love a brick, but stuff like this makes it all worth it!
>> No. 2220 [Edit]
File 129846419175.jpg - (119.41KB , 650x877 , 6fe621012408b44824cb910c297ce730fd1350db.jpg )
Does Anyone else think Ai is a poorly disguised copy of Arf?
>> No. 2221 [Edit]
Does anyone else think everything is a poorly disguised copy of the Iliad and odyssey? ?
>> No. 2394 [Edit]
File 129958586881.jpg - (82.44KB , 1280x720 , Tohnochan-TheAnime.jpg )
Tohno-chan: The anime.

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