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File 135741742526.png - (677.49KB , 640x360 , Puchimas.png )
13099 No. 13099 [Edit]
Getchu one!
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>> No. 13102 [Edit]
As a reader of the manga, I personally thought they could've done this far better. The episode are too short and slow paced and they can't throw the punchlines correctly. I can only hope it becomes better down the road.
>> No. 13190 [Edit]
File 135760811388.png - (677.49KB , 640x360 , shot0195.png )
wow, it translates to an animation so flawlessly!
>> No. 13426 [Edit]
If the episodes were combined, with the op and recap stuff edited out, it would make this show a whole lot better. They seem like they go right into each other pretty well. 60 instances of that op(or ED I guess?) would get real old fast.
>> No. 13799 [Edit]
File 135978969128.png - (677.49KB , 640x360 , chibi ass.png )
I'm all for yuri, but that was kind of disturbing.

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