No. 13376
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Since we're on the topic of Minami-ke Tadaima episode two, I thought that I should mention my suspicious that, at least for the first few episodes, this season might be somewhat hampered by the show's combination of a very large cast of established characters and the long layoff since the last season.
The current season's producers obviously feel that they need to appeal a wide audience and to do so they need to spend a lot of time giving every character's backstory, something which will end up seeming somewhat tedious, although still enjoyable, to the true hardcore Minami-ke experts such as myself. The result is that the season will start off slowly and might be come off as a bit of disappointment, however the 2nd half of the season will be magically awesome and even if the first few episodes are not head explodingly wonderful, its still MInami-ke which is the best show ever.