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File 129461536739.jpg - (41.48KB , 340x250 , 340x_littles.jpg )
1296 No. 1296
So, have any of you brohnos seen The Borrower Arrietty yet? If so, what did you think?

Also, Miyazaki/Ghibli general
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>> No. 1297
Is the DVD out yet? I'm not too keen on watching camrips.
>> No. 1298
File 129461694919.jpg - (2.79KB , 126x95 , Freddy Fem.jpg )
Haven't heard much about this movie. But I hope it doesn't follow the "shut off your brain and look at dem der pretty pictures" trend in Miyazaki films that's been going on since Howl's Moving Castle.
>> No. 1299
There's a camrip now?
>> No. 1300
I'm not entirely sure on either. I know it was already in theaters though, so I just assumed there would eventually be a camrip up for those who couldn't wait for the inevitable DVD/BD release. It seems to happen for most popular theatrical films, but checking the usual sources, it doesn't seem like there is one up. Hopefully the DVD/BD isn't too far off, because I've been eagerly awaiting this since I'm a massive Ghibli fan.

As for the rest of Ghibli, my favorite film of theirs is Whisper of the Heart.
>> No. 1301
Well, Miyazaki wrote and was a supervising producer for this, but surprisingly, he didn't direct it. It was directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi.

Whisper of the Heart is my definite favorite, too. When I first got it, I watched it three times in a row.
>> No. 1309
Yeah, I will see it when a nice rip comes out too.

As for my favorite Miyazaki/Ghibli film, I have to go with Princess Mononoke, it still captivates me to this day. Nausicaa is a close runner up, with a fabulous manga.

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