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12947 No. 12947 [Edit]
Anyone else followed this series?
I was pretty surprised that they killed off almost all of the cast in the last ep.
Guess there won't be any more seasons
>> No. 12948 [Edit]
What do you mean with killed off?
>> No. 13009 [Edit]
Cool spoiler tags there bro. Anyway, I thought this was a show about a ten year old girl who falls in love with a twenty year old man. Is it really dark or does everyone just die.
>> No. 13011 [Edit]
There's no spoilers and it's not dark.
>> No. 13012 [Edit]
What about the part where everyone dies. I think that would be something of a spoiler.
>> No. 13014 [Edit]
Wasin't going to watch this anyway.
As if being pedo shit wasn't enough, now it's dark pedo shit where everyone dies.
>> No. 13015 [Edit]
It's not pedo or dark. You sound like tohno.
>> No. 13016 [Edit]
Manga is nice, maybe I'm going to watch it.
>> No. 13062 [Edit]
Hey, Relax Guy!
No ones taking this seriously!
>> No. 13067 [Edit]
Upset the first 2 pages aren't all shoujo shit?
>> No. 13069 [Edit]

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