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File 129458773680.jpg - (106.32KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Mitsudomoe 2 - 01 [720p]_mkv_snapsh.jpg )
1288 No. 1288 [Edit]
This first episode...was shit, plain shit.
i didn't even know it was mitsudomoe until half way through the damn episode when it finally showed the triplets.

entire episode was about those gachi rangers and it was terrible, i hope it doesn't do that the rest of the season ;_;
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>> No. 1290 [Edit]
Oh come on, it wasn't that bad. There were some humorous moments, mostly stemming from so-bad-it's-good factor. But yeah, sucks to waste an episode just to Gachi rangers when we only get 8 episodes.
>> No. 1293 [Edit]
I liked it a lot, but I grew up on that type of show.
>> No. 1294 [Edit]
Yeah, I think you're being a bit too hard on it. While I would have preferred an episode about the triplets, I found this one entertaining with some pretty funny parts
>> No. 1295 [Edit]
Those humorous moments were when the triplets were onscreen though. It was alright until i realized the whole episode was going to be like this.

I grew up with the Power Rangers and stuff too, but look at even hitoha's reaction to it... and she's the fanatic.

I like this for the chubby lolis, the crude humor, and the shenanigans of the triplets dad... it had slight good parts, but the whole thing made no sense at all and felt like a waste of an episode
>> No. 1302 [Edit]
I actually thought the funniest parts of the episode were during the Gachi Ranger sections. Especially the horrible crab puns and how unapologetic the Rangers were for all the children's deaths.
>> No. 1305 [Edit]
File 129463145389.png - (850.51KB , 1280x720 , Mitsudomoe 2 - 01 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_22_11_[2011_.png )
>> No. 1307 [Edit]
It was a good parody of sentai shows. I laughed pretty hard.
>> No. 1423 [Edit]
The first episode was alright. It didn't really live up to the charm of the first season due to it dragging a joke too far, but the second episode made up for it in full force.

The new OP and ED are both really good. Though the first season's OP was memorable (It's in my head now), I think this season's was just as good. I actually enjoyed this season's ED, as opposed to last season's. It had a nice feel to it.

The comedy itself was superb this episode, true to what made the first season so beloved. You don't necessarily need to have watched the first season, but it certainly helps, else you'll be rather lost most of the time and the jokes will fly over your head.

I, personally, think they did really well this episode. I laughed during the jokes, yet felt pangs in my heart during Yabecchi's Christmas party. Also, it's interesting that they're giving that dog...hamster...boy screentime. I'm curious if it'll ever happen again during the 6 remaining episodes.
>> No. 1432 [Edit]
Yeah, the 2nd episode was pretty damn funny.
>> No. 1434 [Edit]
I thought the OP was annoying as fuck until it busted out the catchy as fuck chorus, then I liked it. Which is exactly what happened with the first season's OP. I agree with you on the EDs.
>> No. 1519 [Edit]
File 12959141768.jpg - (123.82KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Mitsudomoe 2 - 03 [720p]_mkv_snapsh.jpg )
So why the hell wasn't she wearing any?
>> No. 2286 [Edit]
Well, the 8 episode season is over. Honestly, while the first episode, as I said before, suffered from dragging a joke too far, the rest were pretty funny. More, the last episode was absolutely endearing with its ending, and I'm glad they didn't ruin the heartwarming moment with him getting arrested.

Not really much to say, I guess. Pity it's only 8 episodes, though I believe the extra ninth is supposed to be an OVA? The ending of episode 8 said it was something of a 'deleted scenes' of Mitsudomoe S1, which should be enjoyable.

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