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File 129455555990.jpg - (289.56KB , 453x561 , nankazenzencr.jpg )
1276 No. 1276 [Edit]
So, anybody else pick this up?

The way they look really bugs me, but overall it doesn't seem terrible. Probably going to keep on for a few more episodes before deciding what to do though.
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>> No. 1277 [Edit]
downloading now
>> No. 1279 [Edit]
i liked the manga so im trying it.
>> No. 1280 [Edit]
>The way they look really bugs me,

There's something wrong with me, I fucking love it.
>> No. 1281 [Edit]
I hated the manga so I'm avoiding it.
>> No. 1284 [Edit]
File 129456363779.jpg - (147.53KB , 1280x720 , [Ayako-Shikkaku]_Oniichan_no_Koto_Nanka_Zenzen_Suk.jpg )
First episode had me laughing. Kitamura Eri as a pervy little sister is great.
>> No. 1285 [Edit]
I picked it up. It's pretty decent so far. It'll be interesting to see how it progresses.
>> No. 1286 [Edit]

Oh come on, not again.
I picked up tons of shitty shows just to listen to Kitamura Eri and I guess I should've learned my lesson after Highschool of the Dead. ... Eh, downloading. The thing is, I know I won't be able to drop it no matter how bad it'll get, that's just the way I am. Damn you Eri, damn you.
>> No. 1291 [Edit]
It was alright. I liked the designs.
>> No. 1292 [Edit]
I'm wondering whether or not to try it for the same reason. Sometimes, watching anime adaptations feels like a waste of time since you know everything that's going to happen.
>> No. 1303 [Edit]
It's okay, I guess. The animation does look somewhat worse compared to its contemporaries, but I'm still going to watch it. Feels a lot like OreImo in reverse, but that's a generalization of mine that I hope to break in the near future. The main girl isn't that appealing, but the blonde twintailed girl managed to catch my attention.
>> No. 1306 [Edit]
I read this as '...the pleasure of being cummed inside.'
>> No. 1312 [Edit]
File 129470097853.png - (224.16KB , 594x315 , onni chan 0.png )
Osananajimi vs. imouto...
it simply never gets old.
>> No. 1313 [Edit]
Generic stuff but I'm watching it.
>> No. 1314 [Edit]
Cute, the designs are a nice change of pace as well
>> No. 1317 [Edit]
Watched the first episode, that's it for me.
>> No. 1318 [Edit]
I'm also dropping. There is better stuff out there to watch and I still have backlog.
>> No. 1326 [Edit]
Dem noodle figures.

Seems mildly interesting, but i'm not sure
>> No. 1425 [Edit]
File 129515515547.gif - (478.75KB , 640x360 , 1295145608030.gif )
I like her already
>> No. 1426 [Edit]
How lewd
>> No. 1486 [Edit]
She's bitch ass insane.
I can't tell if she's yandere or just a sadist
>> No. 1625 [Edit]
File 129637503883.jpg - (118.53KB , 1280x720 , [Ayako-Shikkaku]_Oniichan_no_Koto_Nanka_Zenzen_Suk.jpg )
I'm enjoying it, ice cheap lewd humor.

Boy also has good tastes
>> No. 1785 [Edit]
Mayuka >>>>>> Iroha > Nao

I don't care if Mayuka is a fujoushi and into yaoi.

She's better than obsessive slut Iroha and annoying Nao.
>> No. 1793 [Edit]
I like it. I don't this it's "balls to the wall" funny, but it's entertaining. And even though the characters look so weird I can't help but get turned on by them. I will definitely be rewatching this on bd.
>> No. 1992 [Edit]
The latest episode was more entertaining than the last, mostly because of MC's reactions to actually reading yaoi rather than just skimming through it.

Though now I think

Mayuka > Iroha = Nao; despite the fact that Iroha and Nao had better facial expressions. Iroha is starting to get annoying yet at the same time, Nao is getting to be slightly less annoying. But they're pretty much annoying. I don't know long it's going take to make me dislike Mayuka.
>> No. 1994 [Edit]
Am I the only one who likes Nao?

I'm watching it raw though, so I might be missing something.
>> No. 2010 [Edit]
>watching it raw though
>so I might be missing something

Assuming you don't speak Japanese I think it's safe to say you're missing just about everything.
>> No. 2039 [Edit]
He probably doesn't miss anything important as long as he enjoys it.
>> No. 2041 [Edit]
>Assuming you don't speak Japanese I think it's safe to say you're missing just about everything.

That's a poor assumption.
>> No. 2058 [Edit]

Pretty sure she's a hardcore psycho.
>> No. 2089 [Edit]
More like obsessive stalking slut. Though Nao has similar tendencies.
>> No. 2109 [Edit]
I couldn't figure out why I liked this anime, then it dawned on me, it's a complete deconstruction of the harem genre. I don't think I've ever seen an anime before where all the girls in the harem were completely perverted. Ususally they're "pure" girls who are "in love" with the protag.

Have you ever thought why in Harem X the protag always sees the girls naked? Consider the concurrently airing anime Index, he walks in on the heroines constantly. In this, when they're screaming at him for seeing them naked not only is the fact he saw them intentional on their part, but their screams in protest are completely manufactured. It's like the only reasonable reason a girl would be seen so many times in the shower. It's a statistical impossibility otherwise!
>> No. 2197 [Edit]
File 129831947549.jpg - (151.21KB , 1280x720 , [GotWoot]_Onii-chan_no_Koto_____07_[720p][5091A13D.jpg )
Best episode by far

This show is def my hidden gem for the season since I never really expected much out of it. The girls actually have their own appeal and frankly the boys relationship with his friend is just plain awesome.

Iroha is by far the most pervertive out of the 3. She almost fucking came in the erotica store
>> No. 2199 [Edit]
Kiss x Sis and Yosuga no Sora EVERYWHERE
>> No. 2294 [Edit]
File 129889046713.jpg - (111.19KB , 1280x720 , [Ayako-Shikkaku]_Oniichan_no_Koto_Nanka_Zenzen_Suk.jpg )
Waifu, homo lust, school swimsuit

I'd have a beer with this kid
>> No. 2297 [Edit]
To people who have read the manga and watched the anime, which is better?
>> No. 2503 [Edit]
File 130017607085.gif - (1.49MB , 480x270 , xaorx2.gif )
>> No. 2505 [Edit]

Personally, I liked the manga better, but I stopped watching the anime and I believe it's past the manga now, so they must have diverged in storyline.

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