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File 13541453306.jpg - (92.66KB , 640x360 , gdgd-Fairies.jpg )
12651 No. 12651 [Edit]
Any of you seen this? what did you think?
Expand all images
>> No. 12654 [Edit]
File 135415198874.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , shot0049.png )
There's a lot of 3D but I'd recommend it.
>> No. 12655 [Edit]
watched ep.1 and dropped
>> No. 12656 [Edit]
here I thought I was the only one who fell out of his seat laughing.
>> No. 12678 [Edit]
File 135432045455.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , shot0091.png )
I like this show a lot more than I should...
>> No. 12682 [Edit]
File 135432362150.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.png )
sure does have a lot of 3DPD....
>> No. 13311 [Edit]
File 135793940774.gif - (1.47MB , 480x270 , janken.gif )
And thus the S2 came.
I'm loving it so far.
>> No. 13505 [Edit]
File 135850106035.png - (695.50KB , 854x480 , iveseenenoughhentaitoknowwherethisisgoing.png )
I love this anime
>> No. 13507 [Edit]
So, who's subbing this?
>> No. 13511 [Edit]
Crunchy Roll
>> No. 13648 [Edit]
File 135905572820.png - (543.37KB , 854x480 , totally original.png )
Those fake previews are really amusing.
>> No. 13649 [Edit]

>> No. 13732 [Edit]
File 135941134573.jpg - (485.57KB , 1154x973 , 1359406749582.jpg )
>> No. 13733 [Edit]
That pic is really amusing.
Nice find.
>> No. 13786 [Edit]
File 135972398390.png - (333.99KB , 854x480 , hard and pointy.png )
What is Pikupiku touching?
>> No. 13955 [Edit]
File 136077778994.jpg - (457.48KB , 2309x1299 , 1360774877793.jpg )
>> No. 13967 [Edit]
File 136084312293.jpg - (62.34KB , 848x480 , gdren lagann.jpg )
I laughed at that.
Also to the TTGL reference
>> No. 13972 [Edit]
So has any subgroup picked this show up yet?

Post edited on 14th Feb 2013, 5:18pm
>> No. 13985 [Edit]
Well, there's crunchyroll and horriblesubs (which is basically the same).
So yes.
>> No. 14213 [Edit]
File 136209468811.png - (423.21KB , 854x480 , The hard truth.png )
You heard it here first
>> No. 14318 [Edit]
File 136244690913.jpg - (181.03KB , 504x284 , ep_443069_0[1].jpg )
Man I love this absurd comedy with crappy MMD art style. Is there anything else other than Chokkyuu Hyoudai Robot Anime: Straight Title like it?
>> No. 14319 [Edit]  
You know it's literally MMD right?
>> No. 14327 [Edit]
Yeah, that's what makes it so beautiful.
>> No. 14329 [Edit]
Everytime I see the title "gdgd" I think of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ_TRF1VUCc @ 0:18. I'll be checking out both series, as MMD vids has provided me with plenty of entertainment up 'till this point.
>> No. 14544 [Edit]
File 13638265179.jpg - (182.02KB , 1440x810 , gdgd-on.jpg )
The last episode is near.
It was a fun ride while it lasted.
>> No. 14649 [Edit]
File 13644238072.png - (502.87KB , 854x480 , gudapoyo.png )
And thus ends.
I loved this anime, I really did. It's such a shame it's the end.
>> No. 14682 [Edit]
I hope it's funny enough to overcome the horrible style-clashes. These screencaps are hurting my eyes...
>> No. 14691 [Edit]
It is. It's been done that way on purpose.
Just give it a shot.
>> No. 14705 [Edit]
Watched the first episode, I like it.

Pkpk is pretty cool.
>> No. 14823 [Edit]
is dubbing lake ad-libbed or do they just write it to seem that way?
>> No. 14824 [Edit]
I think it's ad-libbed
>> No. 14869 [Edit]
File 136557978280.png - (2.25MB , 1280x1466 , Fail full.png )
Yes it is. It gets more obvious as the anime goes on.
>> No. 14871 [Edit]
File 136558018011.png - (527.82KB , 854x480 , 4th wall.png )
In this particular scene from S2 Shrshr speaks directly to Suzuko Mimori, Pkpk's VA.
>> No. 14872 [Edit]
So is there any chance of season two getting subbed (by anyone other than CR/horriblesubs)?
>> No. 14873 [Edit]
Not likely.
It's take it or leave it, gdgd isn't that popular so the fact that someone subbed it in the first place is something rather surprising, also considering that it aired in niconico iirc.
So yeah, you'll just have to put up with either of those. They did a quite decent job and HS is free, so it's not that bad.

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