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File 135409949333.jpg - (33.54KB , 500x500 , 0007830009975_500X500.jpg )
12648 No. 12648 [Edit]
Sad news folks: KnJ is ending forever soon.
There might be one or two more OVAs if we're lucky, but thats it.

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>> No. 12649 [Edit]
Put this in the anime news thread, poopsucker
>> No. 12657 [Edit]
File 135415540624.jpg - (70.61KB , 854x480 , butthurt.jpg )
Not OP, but I'm not a fan of the anime news thread or any of the other catch-all threads.
I like it better this way, topics can be discussed until they're no longer of interest and then casually meander to 404ville.
I don't see why I should have to scroll past 150 posts of the same anime news that nobody is interested in anymore every time I open that thread.
>> No. 12659 [Edit]

>topics can be discussed until they're no longer of interest and then casually meander to 404ville.
on the one hand, the board moves so slow that will usually take a while. on the other hand, it wouldn't if more people made threads like this.
>I don't see why I should have to scroll past 150 posts of the same anime news that nobody is interested in anymore every time I open that thread.
that's however a pretty decent point right there.
>> No. 12660 [Edit]

I watched the anime, and I've been meaning and meaning to read the manga.

People keep saying it's a lot better. But I really have to wait quite a while before I can read the manga of something I watched, or vice versa.

I guess now that it's finishing up would be the best time, I prefer starting finished manga than ongoing ones, with many exceptions of course.
>> No. 12662 [Edit]
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>until they're no longer of interest and then casually meander to 404ville
What are you talking about? threads in /tc/ are never deleted for oldness or lack of response.

On topic: well, this is indeed the last thing I remember from that series [pic]. Me too I'd like at least one more good and conclusive OVA to settle this nicely.

Post edited on 28th Nov 2012, 11:47pm
>> No. 12663 [Edit]
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>> No. 12664 [Edit]
God the shitstorm that happened after that, what a great show.
>> No. 12675 [Edit]
Huh. I haven't read since 83 or so, so this works out for me, since I can just finish it all in one go when it is over. Still, hopefully it really isn't forced and is just a natural course of the story.

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