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File 129453009186.png - (1.13MB , 512x2300 , implyed yuri.png )
1263 No. 1263
This is just such a wonderful heart warming and underrated anime.
It might be a bit old now, but I'd still highly recommend it to anyone that enjoys things that are cute and sweet.

A few of us from the IRC decide to give this lovely overlooked anime a try, and we invite you to do the same.
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>> No. 1264
It was really nice, great OST too!
>> No. 1267
the yuri undertones make me grin like an idiot and the uniforms are so nice, too
>> No. 1269
If the uniforms at all libraries were that cute, I'd have become a book worm long ago and would never want to leave the place.
>> No. 1273
From those screenshots it looks like way more than undertones.
>> No. 1319
File 129472318217.jpg - (86.56KB , 512x384 , Kokoro_Toshokan_-_04_[anbu]_avi_000661536.jpg )
This anime is just killing me!

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