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File 129450820952.png - (802.43KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Yumekui_Merry_-_01_[FD877DDC]_mkv_snapshot_17.png )
1256 No. 1256 [Edit]
Not so sure if I'll continue watching it, but I love that loli in her midriff so I'll keep watching it. Look at that navel, that flat chest and that fang of hers. So delicious. Plus, male Biribiri as MC voiced by Accelerator.

But eventually I'm going to feel sad for childhood friend (no matter how nice she looks), because she'll never get her end.

This may or may not be a good show, but I'll keep watching it until I either finish it or drop it.
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>> No. 1257 [Edit]
I liked the atmosphere. It was interesting to myself at least.
>> No. 1258 [Edit]
She looks cute. What's the show about? Is it pretty light-hearted? Maybe I'll watch it
>> No. 1259 [Edit]
The girl seems to be stuck on the border between dreams and reality and wants to go back to the dream world. The protag is a dude who has some useless ability of being able to tell what kind of dreams people will have.

Basically it's about dreams.
>> No. 1287 [Edit]
i think the first episode is too early to judge this one though, cause nothing was really explained.
>> No. 1308 [Edit]
File 129467210961.jpg - (26.43KB , 295x218 , shonen_maid_teaser1[1].jpg )
Am I the only one who constantly sees Kuro-kun when I see her? She's cute and delicious for all the reasons OP described, but I just can't help but think of Kuro-kun each and every time I see so much as a screenshot of her.

Kind of ruins the loli, though shota isn't bad either.
>> No. 1401 [Edit]
new episode is out
>> No. 1402 [Edit]
File 129502243762.png - (680.37KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Yumekui_Merry_-_02_[3DA5CBEF]_mkv_snapshot_12.png )
>> No. 1404 [Edit]
Just watched the first ep. Merry is certainly very cute but I don't know if I'll keep watching it, because I don't give a shit about anything that's happening other than the shots of her tummy.
>> No. 1405 [Edit]
Moe overload in ep2. Thumbs way up.
>> No. 1517 [Edit]
File 129590761421.png - (457.32KB , 1280x720 , 1295658645704.png )
>> No. 1867 [Edit]
What's up with every anime having a fanservice beach episode? It's starting to get on my nerves.
>> No. 1868 [Edit]
Was that a question, or a comment disguised as a question?
>> No. 1875 [Edit]

Its a cliche that has been a part of anime for a very very long time
>> No. 2133 [Edit]
File 129800845982.jpg - (190.81KB , 1359x752 , 1298005533341.jpg )
God fucking dammit.
>> No. 2134 [Edit]
>> No. 2136 [Edit]
I saw them mention they worked that into the episode. I was hoping they were fucking with us.
>> No. 2137 [Edit]
...vagina bones?
>> No. 2251 [Edit]
File 12986476563.jpg - (79.52KB , 1280x720 , 1298647335418.jpg )
>> No. 2252 [Edit]
File 129864902521.jpg - (131.84KB , 1280x720 , 1298648384672.jpg )

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