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File 135228783691.jpg - (139.86KB , 765x1081 , smm.jpg )
12359 No. 12359 [Edit]
Quite a gem this one. A very entertaining, well made and cheerful slice-of-life, but very smart and thought-provoking, comedy with loveable characters (read: Hotori). Every episode was just a pleasure to watch.

MAL: http://myanimelist.net/anime/8726/Soredemo_Machi_wa_Mawatteiru/
BBT: http://bakabt.me/161138-soredemo-machi-wa-mawatte-iru-bd-aac-720p-polished.html
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>> No. 12360 [Edit]
File 135228912650.jpg - (126.58KB , 1280x720 , 1350903827241.jpg )
I love Soredemo!
>> No. 12362 [Edit]
File 135229804143.jpg - (85.75KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Soredemo_Machi_wa_Mawatteiru_-_06v2_[2F48D135.jpg )

Her voice is the only reason I watched the .hack 3-d movie all the way through.

I wouldn't go so far to call it smart or thought-provoking, but it is indeed a comedy with loveable characters.

also, lots of SHAFT foot, armpit, and belly shots.
the pansu shots are censored though, go figure.
>> No. 12363 [Edit]
It feels like this just aired, but I guess it was two years ago already.

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