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File 129436291667.jpg - (112.05KB , 587x420 , infinitestratos.jpg )
1221 No. 1221
I'm not saying this is good.

I'm just saying that it's on.

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>> No. 1224
It will be that one show of the season that a few people try to take seriously, but everyone else just watches for the girls.
>> No. 1230
Just watched the first episode and I've got to agree.

Too bad none of the girls so far are all that great.
>> No. 1231
I'm going to watch the show for the girls.
>> No. 1252
I'm going to watch this show for the ability to distract myself from real life despite it being only semi entertaining.
>> No. 1265
File 129453877335.jpg - (116.40KB , 1280x720 , [Ayako]_Infinite_Stratos_-_IS_-_01_[H264][720p][D7.jpg )
I'm disappointed at the lack of "ohohoho" laugh.
>> No. 1266
Oh, she's certainly fine in my opinion. All of the girls are okay in some way. Just don't know who to pick.
>> No. 1373
Too early to tell I think. Just finished watching the 1st ep. but nothing that really grabbed my attention. It's a harem so I don't expect much from it anyway.
>> No. 1421
File 12951150793.gif - (1.12MB , 297x466 , 1295114131600.gif )
I like the way how she runs.
>> No. 1435
Generically, without balance, and lacking in frames?
>> No. 1439
Yeah, damn that generic running. She should do something unique like spinning her arms like a helicopter.
>> No. 1441
Do you guys ever wish females in anime ran normally instead of doing that retarded thing with their arms?
>> No. 1442
Well, the frames are shitty, but just look at her hands and how she moves as you watch the ED. She just runs so lady-like, and I like feminine running styles for girls. Clearly she's not used to running, but it feels so, so..... moe.
>> No. 1443
Normal running isn't very cute.
>> No. 1447
Yes. I say "generic" not because humans actually run that way, but because cute anime girls often do. In this case, being original would actually mean following real life.

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