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File 134995595631.png - (1.17MB , 848x480 , shot0007.png )
11774 No. 11774 [Edit]
Asa Made Jugyou Chu was pretty fucking great
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>> No. 11777 [Edit]
Very lewd, Azumin voicing the main character was very awkward for me to watch though.
>> No. 11782 [Edit]
File 134998336846.png - (1.10MB , 1280x720 , ass made jelly chu.png )
Yeah, it was pretty great. I fapped sooooooo much.

The MC's voice and crossdressing helped me forget that he was male. Also, the MC has pretty big areolas.
>> No. 11833 [Edit]
File 135008528215.jpg - (43.42KB , 1280x720 , [FFF] Asa Made Jugyou Chu! - 01 [BD][720p-AAC][27B.jpg )
Quite lewd.

It's a shame a fair bit of material was skipped for the scene after the credits, with the trap being revealed with no shits given and a yet-to-be-introduced character referenced. oh well.
>> No. 11837 [Edit]
Why is the main character such a nance?
>> No. 11838 [Edit]
What do you mean by "nance"?
>> No. 11859 [Edit]

High pitch voice, no muscles, smaller than the female characters even. Would probably look just as well as them in a dress.
>> No. 11866 [Edit]
So that he can fit in the role.

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