No. 12107
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whelp, this was really disappointing.
somehow the show just seems kind of dull.
The ONA as predictable as it was, was pretty nice and rather enjoyable.
while I've only seen the first ep so far, I guess say, this isn't looking too good so far.
The quality is horrid, especially the male protagonist. I know it's standard practice in anime to not give a shit about the male characters, but damn is that guy a pile of QUALITY or what.
Personally, I don't mind the joints, (in themselves) they look a bit odd, but that's what the real figs look like, (although it can look strange when they sorta blend into the rest of the body) what I do mind about the joins is how they move, that being not at all like joints. they move body parts that have no joints and move the joints in ways they shouldn't be able to move. (and yeah I've got two of these figs) it's as if they animated them as they normally would with a human then just just drew the joints ontop of that for detail, or just downright ignored them. on that note, why do they even have bouncing breasts? these figs aren't made of rubber you know.
but to be fair, the figs don't have finger joints or moths that can open/close ect, so it wouldn't be very practical if they could only move their joints.
I can't say I really noticed much of a discrepancy in scales, but I do wonder how such a small toy could send a large knife flying with only it's wight. I guess the robotics make them really heavy.
This also makes me really wonder why people are so quick to dismiss anime like precure as being made just to sell toys, but... yeah... I don't see anyone complaining about it here. for that matter, I don't see people complaining about anime whored out to pizza hut or honda, or any of the stuff arguably made just to sell merchandise, but I digress.
also, have none of you guys seen angelic layer or sky girls? I mean if you're gonna make comparisons to other anime...
Post edited on 24th Oct 2012, 12:17am